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Curriculum of UG : issues and challenges


Associate Professor of Botany,

 IDSG Govt College, Chikmagalur.

e-mail kiranmaeoneplus@gmail.com


Curriculum literally means syllabus or a course. Originally, curriculum was regarded as a track through which people ran to reach a goal. There are many courses in under graduation level in different Universities. Common are Social sciences, Life sciences, Commerce, Science Management. Interrelated subjects or combinations are prescribed by a University and a student should take any disciplines under which prescribed subjects. There is no system that identifies the skill of the student and based upon that which would suggest the course. What is the future of an adult who comes out with UG degree course with certificate? Why would a student want to want to take UG course? Is it to acquire knowledge/specialization or to get Job? Both are not possible now a days. Why? Because the prescribed syllabus of a University may not useful in acquire a job or it may not useful in acquire knowledge. Hence there are multiple issues for an average student for acquiring job or knowledge.


Curriculum is the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college. Derived from Latin word “Currere” meaning is “to run‟ It is a runway (one runs to reach the goal) or a race course referring to the course of deeds and experiences through which children grow and mature in becoming adults for success in adult.

Originally, curriculum was regarded as a track through which people ran to reach a goal. The course or track always had a starting point, the runway and a goal, which was the end. This race is on, until the end of one's career. This concept is broad because as one runs the race. One is bound to gather, as lot of experiences which may be cognitive, Intellectual ability) affective (attitude, values, interest emotion, disposition) and psychomotor (acquisition of some manipulative skills, using the muscles to acquire some skills or perform some actions).

Curriculum can be taken to mean the instrument by means of which schools seek to translate hopes of the society in which they function into concrete reality (Offorma, 2006).

Syllabus: The course that provided with subjects is prescribed by the Universities and there is no chance to students to take their subjects of like. The syllabi also prescribed by the Universities that are inserted by the academicians of the University which they consider important and obviously it should contain their work. So it is changed from university to University. No one can study interdisciplinary subjects like Economics, computer science and commerce that are if in demand for obtain a particular job. All the system is formed based on the time Britisher’s administered in India. Several new fields of subjects emerged now that should combine with several courses. Even the syllabi should prepare in common in every University by that there is difference in studies.


The semester system application gets the syllabus narrow that within six months one should study and write the exam. This brings student’s narrow knowledge. For example in Life Sciences Botany, zoology (traditional subjects) Biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics (new subjects.) and so on are the subjects.

Quality and Quantity of Teachers

It is well known that the quality of a UG professor is estimated based on PhD, papers published. How many of the Professors get easy access to PhD guides? If yes, is he/she is able to conduct research work. Never! Because it is like keeping our legs in two different boats. Some body may complete PhD while doing work in college; he/she will not concentrate on neither in teaching nor in research and many of them depends on their students/helpers for conducting experiments/data collection or in some other related work. Is it considered that it is purely their work? How one can estimate the quality based on research work? Teacher should know better the students behavior, knowledge, capabilities, mentor the psychology of student in a cultured, gentle way so that they will approach society in a best way?

Quantity of teachers not measured in obesity, but the number. How many of the big colleges in Karnataka/India got full-fledged number of Professors (exception to big cities). In my college over all 3200 students from UG and 600 students from PG are admitted in 2017. For this crowd, only 13 Associate Professors, 35 assistant Professors and more than hundred and fifty guest lecturers are in work. How one can expect responsibilities from guest lecturers? (Because they are paid only based on their number of lectures/week) What is about the valuation work/ Employability of the students/welfare of student/moral values/ control? Are the guest lecturers involve in such activities?


  • The following recommendations are proffered for effective implementation of curriculum:
  • Teaching should be as practical as possible to expose thestudents to the realities of the profession.
  • Universities should explore the possibility of introducing e-learning to accommodate many more students in that mode and reduce the unhealthy large class population seen in universities.
  • What is taught, must reflect the demands of practice in the field, for the products to be functional.  There is need for inclusion of ethics in the curriculum as a stand-alone course, taught by an interdisciplinary team from philosophy and respected subjects.
  • The introduction of ethics in curriculum may require increase in the credit hours to accommodate the new course.
  • Attitude is contagious and so the educators must abide by the subject ethics, as they are models to their products.
  • Information and Communication Technology and other facilities should be provided to both teachers and students.
  • Workshops should be organized for the teachers to expose them to new knowledge, skills and attitudes in accounting education.
  • Information about the new equipment and processes should give in subjects with practical so that they can use the new approaches of research.
  • Teaching facilities need advanced aids like LCD so that enhance easy learning
  • Every student should know his/her abilities so that they used to reach their suitable job goals.
  • Along with scholarships, students should get the training and access to obtain money for their self-employment.
  • Trips to nature, industries, banks, Offices should conduct to see the different fields of work for selection.
  • Quality of Professors not measure by their PhD, but their innovative work to improve the total quality of students.
  • There should be a change in the exam system, because one can easily write the answers by approaching copy through friends, mobiles or any advanced equipment.
  • Evaluation should be in such a way that a student must earn something life.


  1. Sustainability Curriculum inHigher Education A Call to Action –AASHE
  2. Comprehensive curriculum reform in higher education:collaborative engagement of faculty and administrators Shawn L. Oliver -Ashland University
  4. Higher Education in India: Vision 2030 FICCI Higher Education Summit 2013

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