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Effect of food additives fed by a large industrialized food system

Bhavani Patil

Assistant Professor

Department of Zoology

Govt. First Grade College, Tumkur(INDIA)

bhavaniptls@gmail.com      Mob: 9964073629



Food additives  preserve  the freshness and appeal of food between  the times it is manufactured and when it finally reaches  the market. Additives may also improve  nutritional value  of foods and improve their  taste , texture, consistency  or color. FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization) regulates  require evidence that each substance is safe at  its intended levels of use before it may be added to  foods. So, the effect and cause of these substances are discussed in this article.

Keywords: Food additives, pesticides, pressor amines, gossypol, erucic acid, tangeretin, safrole


The nations are fed by a large, industrialized food system. However,   this giant food system could not have surmounted the overwhelming challenges of mass food production, processing, storage, cleansing, handling, transporting, refining, cooking, mixing, heating, and packaging without extensive use of chemical additives.

Food additives are substances added to food to preserve  flavor or enhance its taste and appearance. Some additives  have been used for centuries; with the advent of processed foods in the second half of the 20th century, many more additives have been introduced, of both natural and artificial origin.


To regulate these additives, and inform consumers, each additive is assigned a unique number, termed as E numbers which is used in Europe for all approved  additives. This  numbering  scheme has now been adopted and extended by  the Codex  Alimentarius Commission to  internationally identify all additives, regardless of whether  they are approved for use.

E numbers are all prefixed by E, but countries outside Europe use only  the numbers, whether the additive is approved in Europe or not. For example, acetic acid is written as E260 on products sold in Europe, but is simply  known as additive 260 in some countries. Additive 103, alkanet, is not approved for use in Europe so does not  have an E number, although it is approved for use in Australia and New Zealand. Since  1987, Australia  has  an approved system of labeling for additives in packaged foods. Each food  additive has to be named or numbered. The numbers are the same as in Europe, but without the prefix E.

The United States Food and Drug Administration. lists these items as generally recognized as safe or GRAS; they are listed under both their Chemical Abstract Services number and Fukda regulation under the US Code of Federal Regulation.

Types of food additives

  • Direct  or intentional: These are added deliberately to perform specific  functions. These  include  flavors, flavor enhancers, preservatives, emulsifiers, artificial sweeteners, vitamins, colors, anticaking compounds antifoaming agents etc.
  • Indirect or incidental: These  are present in food in traces as a result of  some phases of   production, processing  storage  or packaging. These include residues of fertilizers, pesticides ,  heavy metals  and other toxins that migrate.
  • Naturally occurring: These  result from processing conditions, metabolic reactions and unanticipated chemical combinations. These include safrole   and related compounds and contaminants such  as aflatoxins, etc.

Direct additives may  be synthesized or derived from  natural sources. For instance, the lecithin  used  in bread is extracted from soyabean and corn.Vanillin, the flavoring  agent  is synthesized. The  vitamins are  man- made .

 Indirect  additives  include in addition to residues  of agricultural chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides, feed adjuvants, drugs, traces  of heavy  metals from  pipes ( as lead ) machinery, metabolic and ceramic vessels and other utensils. The major food packing material like glass, metal, paper, plastics and regenerated  cellulose containing about 5000 chemicals may also contaminate  foods  by contact.

There are  several factors that ecourage the development and use of food additives. These are population, urbinisation, labour cost, public health concern, special diets, convenience  foods, fresh foods year round, and flavouring, ethnic and snack foods.

Functions of Food  Additives

The use of food additives does the following:

  1. Makes possible increased agricultural yields through increasing  feed  utilization in livestock.
  2. It facilitates  handling, distribution  and preparation of foodstuffs.
  3. Controls chemical , physical  and microbiological  changes so as to preserve quality over extended time.
  4. Facilitates modification and synthesis of food contents  to meet special dietary needs and to offer many novelty and convenience foods.
  5. Improves sensory and nutritive properties.

Health hazards of food additives.

Food additives do potential harm of serious concern. Possible effects include carcinogenesis, tumerogenesis, teratogenesis and mutagenesis. Many  asthma, utricaria and other allergic reactions may also  be attributed  to food additives.

Pesticides produce toxic effects and some of these pesticides like organophosphate insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and fumigants cause serious health hazards .Organophosphates in  man cause headache, giddiness, nervousness, blurred vision, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, chest  discomfort, sweating, muscle twitches, convulsions and coma. Herbicides  cause  throat irritation and reproductive failure in some animals.

Trace elements as mercury selenium, lead, tin cadmium, aluminium, arsenic, fluoride and iodide have been shown to elicit toxic effects in animals including man.

Packaging contaminants as  glass, metal, paper , plastics and regenerated cellulose are also  toxic to animal and man.

Naturally occurring food additives like citral,  pressor amines, gossypol, erucic acid, tangeretin and safrole also produced  adverse effects .Citral  may cause  damage  to the vascular  endothelia when  fed to animals. Pressor amines cause marked increase in blood pressure in mammals. Gossypol caused loss of appetite, weight loss hypoprothrombinemia, and hair  discolouration, lowering  of hemoglobin, RBC count and serum protein, edema of lung and heart, degenerative changes  in liver and spleen, haemorrhages of liver, small intestine and stomach in chickens. Safrole in rats caused liver tumours and liver damage.

Psychoactive substances like caffeine, theophylline and theobromine may affect  the  central nervous system. Caffeine is present in tea, coffee and cocoa. Scopolamine, a belladonna alkaloid also produces central stimulation. Nicotine is also toxic in larger doses.

Antivitamins also interfere with intestinal absorption and may cause  other toxic effects.

Vitamins may also produce several serious health hazards if taken in larger amounts. Vitamin A, D, K,C E niacin, folic acid and thiamin may cause different  kinds of disorders including serious neurologic damage.

Flavouring enhancers as monosodium glutamate (MSG) is responsible for the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome a burning sensation in the  back of neck spreading to forearms to the anterior tightness and subdermal discomfort. Different types of colorants  have also been found to produce toxic effects.


Food additives  preserve  the freshness and appeal of food between  the times it is manufactured and when it finally reaches  the market. Additives may also improve  nutritional value  of foods and improve their  taste , texture, consistency  or color.  All food additives  approved  for  use  in the United States are carefully regulated  by federal authorities to ensure that foods are safe to eat  and are accurately labeled. Food additives   may be incorporated  in foods to maintain  product  consistency, improve  or maintain nutritional  value, maintain palatability and  wholesomeness provide leavening  or control acidity/ alkalinity / or enhance flavor or  impart desired colour.

FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization) regulates  require evidence that each substance is safe at  its intended levels of use before it may be added to  foods. FAO law prohibits the use of any additives that has been found to cause cancer in humans or animals .Some additives   like boric acid , citric acid and sodium metasulphite showed mitotoxicity and genotoxicity having  potential risks for human health. Thus, all food additives are subject to ongoing safety review as scientific  understanding  and methods of testing continue to improve.


  1. P.D Sharma (2013), Environmental Biology  & Toxicology , Rastogi publication Meerut
  2. .RM Pandey & S K Upadhyay (2012) Food Additives.http//www.intechopen.com/books/food additives.
  3. Titus A M Msagati(2013) Chemistry of food additives & preservatives . Wiley, Black well A John Wiley & sons,Publication.
  4. Yehia El Samragy Ain Shams University, Egypt 22/02/2012, Food Additives, e book (PDF) ISBN: 978-953-51-5206-4.

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