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2nd Year, PGDM

Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development

MYSORE - 570 011



Many successful people say fail big, fail early. But why do they say like that? What happens when we fail? This article helps the reader to understand the science and takeaways from failures and helps to grow stronger from our failures.

Keywords- Entrepreneurship, success, failure, life, direction, business, fear, stronger, growth, perspective.



“Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward.”

― John C. Maxwell.

What is failure?

According to the Cambridge dictionary, failure is defined as “the fact of someone or something not succeeding”


For failure there are so many causes, some are under our control, some may not under our control whatsoever. In life, we will be making many decisions, taking risks and actions which may give success or failures. Every person fails in one or other ways because no one is perfect in everything. But if you observe, failure will also give enough resources which lead to success. So, here are the takeaways from failures.




 “I never lose. I either win or learn.”

                                                                 - Nelson Mandela


The more we open to new opportunities and challenges, the better we will grow. Many people underestimate themselves in working towards the goal, and that’s one of the reasons for not trying anything new. But once you start working towards your goal, even if you fail, you’ll get the sense of satisfaction and confidence because you’ll be gaining knowledge, experience which makes you stronger. So, failure helps to take new challenges and risks. It constantly makes you push harder than what you are. Facing fear and getting failure is far better than the one who never tried.




Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.”

                                                                                         -Ariana Huffington                                                        


If you are trying and working towards your goal means you are already in a process of learning and experience. Throughout the whole process of working you’ll get know where you are good at and where you need to work on. These are like a medical check-up; the report says what are things need to be improved to keep you stronger and healthy. This is the reason why we must face failure early and big to find our weakness so that we can improve it to become better than what we are.


What happens if you don’t face failure?


If you are not ready to face the failure, it means you are not brave enough to take risks, you are not ready to commit to the discipline. Once you are not confident in taking the risks, your confidence in achieving the goal starts decreases and you start compromising with your efforts. Finally, if the efforts are not enough, you’ll end up being a failure. This is the reason why you should face failure.

If you aren’t ready to face the failure, you are already a failure.



Failure is nature’s plan to prepare you for great responsibilities.

                                                                                                        -Napoleon Hill


Many people see failures as the end, but for wise people, it’s an opportunity, it’s still a success. Sometimes we are getting failed in the place where we never belong. Failure sometimes guides us to the place where we belong, where we deserve and gives the clarity to do what we like.

Here is a story which shows how failure is a good thing: -

Jack Ma is a Chinese business magnate, investor and politician. He is the co-founder and former executive chairman of Alibaba Group, a multinational technology conglomerate.

He was born in a poor family when China’s Cultural Revolution was at its peak.

In his teenage, he used to guide tourists for free to improve his English.

He was aware that the only way he could get out of poverty was through good education

He applied for several colleges but got rejected from all

He applied for Harvard 10 times and got rejected all the times, so he told himself that someday I should go teach there

He got rejections for 30 different jobs in 3 simple words – you are not good

When he applied for a job in KFC, he was the only one who got rejected out of 24 people who applied

But remember, all these failures made him only stronger to try again with better strength

Today Jack Ma is the richest man in China with a net worth of more than 30 billion

The Story of Jack Ma – Alibaba Founder, teaches us that it’s never too late to believe in yourself. Failure should only make you stronger to try again. Never lose hope in your effort.


Not only Jack Ma, but all the successful people also faced failures in their lives.

Sachin Tendulkar Failed in 10th Standard now he’s the most successful cricketer that his story is printed in the high school books.

Eminem failed the ninth grade three times before he finally dropped out and became a rapper. Now He’s the most successful rapper in the world.


“It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all. In which case, you fail by default.”

                                                                                                        -J.K. Rowling

If these people had not failed earlier, they wouldn’t be the person who they are now. With this, what I’d like to emphasize is, don’t take failure as setbacks and havoc, use failures as resources for success, look at failures as opportunities, comebacks, wake up call. Be proud at least you tried and faced your fear rather than looking at negative aspects of the failure. Be fearless in facing the failure. If you want to achieve big, be prepared to fail big.

No great person achieved big without the taste of failure. Failure is like a bitter medicine which makes one stronger. Failure also keeps you humble, curious and gives the pure sense and satisfaction of accomplishment. So, fail early, fail big fail often to achieve great and reach where you deserve the most.



  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Ma
  2. https://thefailurestory.com/we-learn-from-failure-not-from-success-story-of-alibaba-owner-jack-ma/

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