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Combating women vulnerabilities - issues in disaster management

Dr. Komala B J

Assistant Professor of   History

Government First Grade College

Nanjanagud, Mysore District, Karnataka State

Ph : 9741118487     Email:  komalabj@gmail.com


This paper explores possibilities for building resilience among gender vulnerable community. It is always seen that women are worst hit during disasters. It is observed that absolute involvement and contribution of women in decision making process is needed to minimize the risks of disaster. Involving women as representatives of decision making organizations and group will assist in building resilience. This involvement also assists in promotion of women empowerment and leadership initiatives .Women are vulnerable to disasters more than males.  Hence ,   creation of awareness  through women self help groups and women community groups is needed to build resilience among gender vulnerable community. at the same time , there is a need to increase research in  understanding the impact of natural disasters on vulnerable sections.

Keywords: disaster management, gender vulnerability, building resilience, 


With overwhelming activities of disregard against nature, natural disasters are recurring.  The seasonal cycle has been transformed and each  season brings havoc  and perennial  loss  to human life.   The over exploitation of natural resources has lead to   disastrous impact on human life and women are considered as  most vulnerable , During disasters women face  horrifying experiences some times reported but majority of the times unreported.

  1. Women and children account for 75% of the refugees at risk from war famine persecution and Natural disasters.
  2.  Women of reproductive age comprise a quarter of at risk population
  3. Nearly half of such population re pregnant women.
  4.  Majority of the women are forced to flee in searching protection and food.
  5.  Vulnerability is increasing because occurrence of natural disasters has increased 80% .
  6. Natural disasters leave women single and defenceless  as they lose their husbands fathers or brothers  or any such male members.
  7. Nearly 48% of the women lose supportive help from  their family due to natural disasters.
  8. United Nations report of 2018 states that nearly 70% of the women face gender based violence during and after natural disasters

 Avoiding Women vulnerabilities - Indian society is  divided by caste,  class and race inequities.   Indian women  enjoy very less political and administrative   powers. Their inclusion in decision making is also very poor.



Increasing  Gender Analysis Strategy 

 The need to increase political commitments to gender analysis through enhanced cooperation and collaboration between various ministries has to be prioritised.


Gender Mainstreaming

 Women issues have to be highlighted in framing any policy on climate , poverty reduction  , gender issues,


Reviewing the National Policies

Making  a periodical review of  national policies concerning women   inclusive of strategies , legislations , budgetary allocations, planning and programming.


 Developing New Policies

 Women have to be considered in developing any new policy  for women and child development , creation of  sustainable opportunities for women , social  rights and  nutrition related policies


Collecting Gender Specific Data

Collecting  statistics in impact of disasters carrying out gender sensitive vulnerability risk and capacity  assessments and developing  women issue indicators to monitor and measure  impact of natural disasters is also very important


Increasing Awareness

Women need awareness  about their issues through public debate and  deliberations.  Community needs to know intricacies of the gender issues.


Besides these issues, women vulnerabilities during disasters can be  dealt with following mechanisms as listed below

  1. There is a need to increase research in impact of natural disasters on vulnerable sections. These research outcomes will support in   understanding and identifying high risk areas in disasters .
  2. Higher education institutions can play a vital role in introducing courses on women’s  role during and after natural disasters.  Improving and mainstreaming  a gender perspective and  equal participation between people in co-ordination of disasters preparedness  humanitarian response and recovery through capacity building  and training session will also help women swim out of difficult times.
  3.  Professional partnerships with avenues of   capacity building through professional organizations NGOs and community organizations will help women to rise above natural disasters and its impact.

 But it has to be borne in mind that no amount of human planning, preparedness scientific researches and technological applications can completely avert natural disasters. But preparing the vulnerable sections   before any natural disasters through awareness and capacity building can be more supportive than any other measure. Preparing women  to face any hurdles whether  societal or ecological  , will definitely depend upon right policies towards building their confidence.

Global initiatives – United Nations has adopted Disaster risk reduction strategy with gender perspective. These initiatives highlight the role of women as providers of food , family essentials and honour  and plans  guidelines  which provides them with decent livelihood and sustainability opportunities . Women vulnerability increases because of her social cultural and political atmosphere. Hence United Nations highlighted inclusive polices. But at the same time it is to be noted that gender vulnerability is not uniform across nations. The under developed countries where social and political liberty is a misnomer, continue to combat the disasters with all complexity.  Women often trail in policy framing committees and decision making councils.

Collaborative Partnerships- The natural disasters cannot be completely contained. But women can be trained to face disasters more feasibly through public private partnerships. Local women associations can be included to train women in awareness creation activities. Women have to be made known about disaster types, effects and impact through NGOs and women Self Help groups.

Government Initiatives -Government Initiatives to draw the attention of  needs to start from identifying the origin of natural disasters. The Indian forest policy , The  Indian industrial policy ,the Indian agricultural policy  , Indian irrigation policy , Indian dry land farming policy ,  Indian Horticultural policy , Indian  special economic Zone policy etc are causing  over exploitation of  natural resources , and women  are worst hit because of their vulnerabilities. The male counter parts leave women and aged people in villages  and migrate to urban centres in search of employment which is making the agricultural sector suffer. The seasonality of agriculture has left very few opportunities for women to amke a decent life. Along with  these  delicate conditions if women are made to  face recurring disasters , their life would be  in utter complexity. 

Disaster management activities for women - Women can quickly motivate their neighbourhood towards understanding the concepts of disaster management and disaster risk reduction management. Activities as listed below will support awareness building


 Involving in activities of Go green and Tree planting


 Awareness about Green zone management 


Increased participation in Water saving campaigning


 Awareness about Rain water conservation


 Awareness about Waste water  recycling


 Awareness about Solid waste management


 Awareness about Waste water management


 Awareness about Home gardening


 Bank loans for Nursery management


Increasing subsidy for Drip irrigation units


Establishment of  Micro water units

Women are vulnerable to disasters because they lack supportive supplements to face disasters. Indian government has taken several steps to cope up with the i situation with rural banking  , inclusive banking  , gender budgeting, subsidy farming , self help groups , cooperative society  etc but still the confidence of  facing any hurdles need to come from within Each woman need self confidence towards meeting any challenges of life . Every woman needs good socio- cultural safeguards beginning from her childhood to her death. Indian society still considers women as secondary citizens, her societal access in full of inequity and discrimination.

            All legislations which have been framed to prohibit untouchability, social exclusion, economic disparity, cultural inequity,  will fail to safeguard women because women lack  individual initiatives. Unless and until women raises to meet the challenges of her personality, disasters continue to haunt her. She can be made to gain self confidence through continuous awareness , learning  and  training herself.


 Without the absolute involvement and contribution of women in decision making, women leadership and real community resilience to disasters cannot be achieved. Women are vulnerable to disasters and creation of awareness to women through women self help groups and women community groups. The awareness training for women and children can save lots of disaster linked catastrophes. The women involvement in disaster prevention and disaster reduction policy making is also very supportive. Not only conceptual understanding but also practical understanding of the disasters and its impact needs to be imparted to women. Women with knowledge of disasters and its influences will train the children; will naturally be an asset to the nation


  1. Angus M Gunn - Encyclopaedia of Disasters , Environmental Catastrophes and Human Tragedies, Vol. 1 & 2 Green Word Press 2008
  2. Coppola DP –Introduction to IN Dm Elsevier Science ,  London ,  2007
  3. David Alexander - Natural disasters, K Academics London 1999
  4. Disaster Management Act of 2005 ,  Government of India Publication ,  New Delhi 2006
  5. J C Pant Committee report on the High power committee appointed to   Government of India Publication ,  New Delhi 2006
  6.  Manual on Natural DM in India ,  MC Gupta ,  NIDM ,  New Delhi
  7. National  Disaster Management policy of 2009 Government of India Publication ,  New Delhi 2009
  8. R K Bhandani An over view on natural and manmade disasters and their reduction,  CSIR New Delhi 2009
  9. S L Goyal Encyclopaedia Of Disaster Management Vol . II Disaster Management  - Policy and Administration   ,  Deep and deep Publication  , New Delhi  , 2006
  10. Srivatsava H. N. and GD Gupta -Management of Natural disasters in developing Day Publishers Delhi 2006
  11. The Report of the American Red Cross Organization report for Disaster Management and  preparedness  2010
  12. The report of the National  Disaster Management Authority  Government of India Publication ,  New Delhi 2006
  13. World disasters – report of 2009 , International  federation of Red Cross and Red crescent Switzerland

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