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Mamatha K R

Assistant Professor of Commerce

Government First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumkur Dist, Karnataka

mamathakr65@gmail.com    Mob- 8073100197

S  Jyothikiran

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Government First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumkur Dist, Karnataka

sjkdhavan@gmail.com   Mob: 9480043130

Dr. Mamatha N

Assistant Professor of Economics

Government First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumkur Dist, Karnataka

drnmamathaminchu@gmail.com   Mob-8310408042


The Covid-19 outbreak, which has spread across 191 countries, is continuing to severely disrupt industries across the board, one of which is education. As schools, colleges and universities remain fully or partially closed, it is estimated that 90% of the world’s learners, totaling an astronomical 1.6 billion people, are being affected by the pandemic. The pandemic that has shuttered economies around the world has also battered education systems in developing and developed countries, of all primary, secondary and tertiary learners in the world — are no longer able to physically go to school. The impact has been dramatic and transformative as educators scramble to put in place workable short-term solutions for remote teaching and learning, particularly in emerging markets, where students and schools face additional challenges related to financing and available infrastructure. This article has the information on challenges to education system, online education, Government expenditure on education and suggestions on the basis of some data

Key words : Challenges, Online education, Government expenditure.

       The COVID-19 pandemic is a huge challenge to education systems. This Viewpoint offers guidance to teachers, institutional heads, and officials on addressing the crisis. What preparations should institutions make in the short time available and how do they address students’ needs by level and field of study? Reassuring students and parents is a vital element of institutional response. In ramping up capacity to teach remotely, schools and colleges should take advantage of asynchronous learning, which works best in digital formats.

According to the 2018-19 All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE), there are 993 universities, 39,931 colleges and 10,725 independent institutions nationwide. Unfortunately, higher education institutions are concentrated mostly in urban areas, and that is the reason for the poor Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER). However, the GER has increased during the last five years, from 24.3 in 2014-15 to 26.3 in 2018-19. An effective online education system can mitigate this challenge, bring more objectivity and transparency and GER can reach beyond 80%.

According to the 2018-19 All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE), a total of 47,427 international students are enrolled in different Indian universities. The majority belong to India’s neighboring countries. COVID-19 will definitely limit their international travel and the proportion of foreign students enrolled in Indian Universities will also reduce.

In addition to the convenience and cost-saving, a large number of educational institutions are turning to online education solutions and online courses because they have become a better way to impart knowledge to their students.

Here are some ways online education is helping students learn better-

1. Flexibility

Addition to, online education solutions enable students to enjoy the freedom to have their own learning as they are not tied down to the prescribed routine. Unlike the traditional classroom setting, the online learning approach gives learners the power to devote their time, but the online learning solutions are great for people who can work all day and can't attend classes in personally. This is why many organizations today offer online courses, degrees and certifications to help students learn to their advantage.

2. Interactive models and digital simulations

Interactive models and digital simulations allow students to better understand difficult concepts. In addition, technology has made learning more fun because students can engage in a variety of learning tasks that will help them improve their retention in terms of new concepts.

3. Frequent Assessments to Help Reduce Confusion.

One of the main benefits of online courses is convenience and frequent Valuations they offer. In fact, they are tools for emerging multimedia content for students' learning and Interactive learning materials can with significantly improve student engagement in regular short assessments / tests.

Efficiency Administrators who develop and deliver courses must think through the design of the audience, the online environment, the user experience and especially the course delivery. Take advantage of today's advanced technology and give students the opportunity to interact through discussion forums, blogs, journals, and video and audio feedback. When it comes to engaging students to get involved and satisfy with their online learning experience, design matters.

How can educational institutions utilize online education solutions for education?

In technology form, online education solutions enable educators to continually create new opportunities for their learners. So that they can benefit from some other are:


The cost-savings:

Education institutions that want to reduce costs and increase a ROI , online education solutions for reduce overheads (Classroom-based resources and manpower) that helps significantly increases the scalability.

Dynamic approach to learning:

Educational institutions always online education, traditional Courses are viewed as an add-on. However, the data suggests that this trend is rapidly changing with the recent 3.3 million web searches for online learning solutions. It has, in fact, become an valuable learning method and a financial basis for the ongoing development programs of various educational institutions.

Upskilling Coaches:

Online learning solutions are very helpful for educators to pursue their skills independently and with the support of their respective organizations in various areas such as curriculum implementation, leadership development and policy settings. Moreover, it allows them to learn new skills related to their careers and collaborate with their peers.

According to a report from the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) of the NDA government's underspending in 2014-15 to about 17 per cent, the highest in the last 10 years, in  FY 16 the Ministry of allocation in the amount of 97.34 percent, an increase of 99.48 per cent less than it during spent FY17. In FY18, the Ministry of Human Resources Development was able to spend more than its budget allocation. The ministry has allocated Rs 80,214.67 crore to them. 79,685.95 crore. Expenditure, which increased by 0.66 per cent. In FY19, the Ministry has spent 98.37 per cent of the amount allocated.

The report indicated that the allocation of education has expanded from a monetary point of view, but governments have been unable to continuously utilize the funds from 2009-10 to 2018-19 from 1.63 per cent to 16.79 per cent. 

However, in India, online education differs from the rest of the world. There are different reasons why the Indian system is different from other countries. The following is the one of the reason the Indian system is different from other countries

  In the above chart shows share of education in government expenditure by different countries in 2017such as Bhutan-24.04 Colombia-15.17 Hong kong-17.84 Kenya-17.58 Malaysia-21.06 South Africa-18.73 and India-14.05

In 2018- Bhutan-22.8 Colombia-16, Hong kong-18.8 Kenya-19.1 Malaysia-19.7 South Africa-18.9 and India-14.1 crores respectively. This report indicated that  India spent very less amount on education compare to other countries.


The pandemic that has shuttered economies around the world has also battered education systems in developing and developed countries, of all primary, secondary and tertiary learners in the world — are no longer able to physically go to school. If   the Indian government increases the share of education in government expenditure and if it is  fully utilizes, definitely it helps to provide online facilities to all education institutions and it also helps to faces challenges in education system in covid-19 pandemic


  1. https://www.thehindu.com/education/the-time-is-now/article31710989.ece
  2. https://www.businesstoday.in/union-budget-2019/budget-2019-govt-underspends-budget-allocated-for-education-in-4-out-of-last-5-years/story/361606.html
  3. https://www.thehindu.com/education/comment-higher-education-post-covid-19/article31341564.ece
  4. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/how-covid-19-is-sparking-a-revolution-in-higher-education/
  5. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SE.XPD.TOTL.GB.ZS
  6. https://ourworldindata.org/financing-education#all-charts-preview
  7. hurix.com>online - education – sol..  Online education solutions and the changing learning…-Hurix.
  8. www.ecampussnews.com/2019/03/11/3-challenges...
  9. www.strayer.edu/benefits-and-challenges.

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