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Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam : A Global Perspective of Wellbeing

Mahantappa Macha

Assistant Professor (Political Science)

Bengaluru Law College, Bangalore 

Mail Id: mahanteshmacha@gmail.com

Mob No: 8904420654.


We are living in a 21st century with different culture, tradition, customs and different food habit many people in the world lived through the cultural conflicts and violence. The 19th century witnessed ‘Industrial revolution’ and 20th century gave birth to Globalization, privatization, westernization and development of science and technology the whole world became small. These all factors gave birth to the concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which means “the world is one family” one earth, one nation and one family. We are the people who have come from “Aham Brahmasmi” to Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, we are the people who have come from Upanishads to Upagrah.                              

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a philosophy that inculcates an understanding that the whole world is one family. It is a Sanskrit phrase meaning that the whole earth is one family. The first word is made up of three Sanskrit words – Vasudha, Eva and Kutumbakam Vasudha means the earth, Eva means emphasizing and Kutumbakam means a family. The concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam originates from Hitopadesha. We have different culture, tradition and customs is our pride. A beautiful garden has different flowers with diverse fragrances, colors and adoration looks beautiful and gives divinity to the garden. Being a human being first we understand the who we are why we are living on this earth why we must inculcate such values in our life universal love and brotherhood makes us to understand the pains and pleasures of others always keep our heart and arms open to help others if I cannot able to help hundred people but can able to help few people with universal love and peace for universal life.     Some principles of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam like principle of oneness, principle of tolerance and acceptance, principle of religions tolerance, principle of common brotherhood, principle of ahimsa and principle of cooperation creating a new world by inculcating some good values in human beings irrespective of religion, caste, creed, sex and place of birth.

Keywords : Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, Aham Brahmasmi, Hitopadesha, religions

“Only small men discriminate saying: One is a relative; the other is a stranger. For those who live magnanimously, the entire world constitutes but a family”    - Maha Upanishad

‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ is a philosophy that inculcates an understanding that the whole world is one family. It is a Sanskrit phrase meaning that the whole earth is one family. The first word is made up of three Sanskrit words – Vasudha, Eva and Kutumbakam Vasudha means the earth, Eva means emphasizing and Kutumbakam means a family. The concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam originates from Hitopadesha. The concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which means “the world is one family” one earth, one nation and one family.  Because of Globalization, privatization, westernization and development of science and technology the whole world became one nation and all people irrespective of their country, population they are the members of the whole universe it is their fundamental duty to protect one earth for future generations as it is by inculcating this principle. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam one of the most important line emerging from the Sanskrit literature unity in diversity is something that we have been practicing for thousands of years, we have emerged from one, the Brahman, the ultimate reality.

21st century witnessed climate change, global warming, violence and conflict because of in the name of development all countries destroying everything. It is fundamental duty of all people to save the earth, wild animals, forests and seas and oceans as it is for future generations by adopting this principle and world leaders must take initiative action to come out from these international crises.

Why global perspective ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ so important for all human beings because as we know that whole world is burning because of many countries people involve in violence, terrorism, ethnic conflict, cultural conflict, religious conflict, poverty, hunger, drug trafficking and human trafficking. Some principles of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam like principle of oneness, principle of tolerance and acceptance, principle of religions tolerance, principle of common brotherhood, principle of ahimsa and principle of cooperation creating a new world by inculcating some good values in human beings irrespective of religion, caste, creed, sex and place of birth. Being a human being first we understand the who we are why we are living on this earth why we must inculcate such values in our life like universal love and brotherhood makes us to understand the pains and pleasures of others always keep our heart and arms open to help others with universal love and peace for universal life.

Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi at world cultural festival organized by Art of Living in a speech Indian culture is very rich and we are the people who come from Aham Brahmasmi to vasudhaiva kutumbakam. We are the people who come from Upanishads to Upgrah. External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj also used the expression in her speech at the UNGA on September 24, 2017 “we truly believe that the world is one family and we hope that every member of this family deserves that elixir of life, happiness.” The world has seen two world wars world leaders desire is to not to disturb international peace and security still many countries involve in conflicts and violence and international problems should be solved by peaceful coexistence. The concept of vasudhaiva kutumbakam could be to initiate a draft resolution at the United Nations General Assembly for a common earth anthem. Singing that will be a noble way to celebrate ancient Indian thought of vasudhaiva kutumbakam highlighting India’s concerns for the environment, express solidarity to the idea of our commonness and pay tribute the planet.

19th century was known for Industrial Revolution and 20th century gave birth to Globalization, Privatization and westernization. At present we are living in fast changing, modernizing and globalizing society with maximum population, different religions, races, cultural and faith on the other hand we are living in the age of darkness means increasing poverty, inequality, violence, war and terrorism, fear and insecurity due to erosion of human values. We are living in many crises like political crises, social crises, economic crises, cultural crises, religious crises; finally we are facing crises of peace and peaceful co existence.

We are living in a society which is violent human life is changing in every movement and our society crumbling day by day the wave of destruction is constantly taking over the way of life. World leaders should think about violence, destruction, economically unbalanced world and not investing huge amount of money on arms and arms race by adopting the principle ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ otherwise world has to face the realities of destruction of humanity. Globalization means ‘world is one market’ peoples motto is only profit oriented this has created culture of Materialism led to decreasing human values, conflicts and violence.

The statement is not just about peace and harmony among the societies in the world but also about the truth that somehow the whole world has to live by some rules like a family set by an unknowable source. Just by contemplating this idea and by at least trying to live by it and practice it in our lives we could make this world a better place. Oneness in diversity is exhibited in nature with the appearance of a rainbow, which is an aggregation of diverse synchronous colors in the ethereal sky. When colors are separate they disperse and are not visible. By the magical prismatic effect of sun and rain clouds the concerted reflection forms sublime rainbow signifying harmony and equanimity.

It is such a beautiful philosophy if every person on this earth believed there would be no racism, no terrorism, no drug trafficking, no human trafficking, no conflicts, no violence and no casteism the dream of world peace would be a reality. But it cannot be forced down upon anyone. The feeling that ‘the whole world is my family’ must come from within and it must be taught from the childhood. If every mother, school, College and world leaders were successful sowing the seeds of this philosophy this world will be a beautiful place. One earth family Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a new social movement that is based on this foundational principle of the oneness of all beings on earth. Its work is carried forward through an integral institute that seeks to highlight both the beauty and value of the infinite diversity of humanity and nature and the inherent unity and interconnectedness of all life underlying our diversity.

Seven principles of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Following are the main principles of developing vasudhaiva kutumbakam world as one family, co operation and co ordination among the people irrespective of their country, caste, citizenship, rich or poor, black or white and birth place.

1. Principle of Oneness

We are all human beings born on this earth; all the people are connected to the earth in a common purpose and interdependent as a whole. The principle of oneness explains that everything in the universe both seen and unseen is connected as part of one entity. Throughout history has been identified as the universe, planet, nature, god, Allah, Brahma the creator, the soul, mind, the divine, the great spirit, which are personal to you and those are not personal to you which all things connected with the principle of oneness.

The fundamental principle of the oneness of humankind requires a profound development in our thinking. People of the world connected with only one earth because of some narrow minded problems like border disputes, citizenship, religious conflicts, racism, violence and terrorism the principle of oneness not yet, come into force. Everything that lives proclaims the glory of god every person who exists manifests the life of god. There is one spirit in which we live, one mind which we think, one body of which we are a part and one light that lighten every mans pathway.

2. Principle of Acceptance and Tolerance

            We are the people we have different cultures, conventions, traditions, food habits, and different way of dress throughout the world because we know that, one culture is totally different from another. Cultures and traditions are totally different from one region to another or country to country and continent to continent. Why should we accept this principle because which concept very nearer to the truth or universal principal we must accept it. But you have right to express your opinion or criticize the concept which is not nearer to the universal principle. The concept of acceptance is at the centre of the extreme response of either non acceptance or over acceptance.

Tolerance is respect, acceptance, appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is fostered by knowledge, openness, communication, and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. It is not only moral duty it is also a political and legal requirement. When we talk about the word ‘Tolerance’ especially religious tolerance play very important role to spread the concept of vasudhaiva kutumbakam. We know that the world has seen many religions like Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jainism and Buddhism firstly, we come out from the casteism inculcate humanity. Humanity is one of the universal principle of the vasudhaiva kutumbakam. Tolerance improves good relationship between people, societies and nations. The current rise in acts of violence, terrorism, xenophobia, aggressive nationalism and racism because of intolerance these national and international problems should be solved by only inculcating the universal principle vasudhaiva kutumbakam.

3. Principle of Cooperation and Respect

Aristotle says that, ‘man is by nature social and political animal’ without other people cooperation and coordination who are living in a society cannot survive and cannot able fulfill other desires those desires not fulfilled by the family. A certain kind of understanding of religion that divides the world into believers and non believers leads to violence. Dharma is that which holds the universe eternally co existing with the universe that is itself birthless and deathless. Dharma is a universal principle and therefore applicable to all times and places the truth that is divinity or pure consciousness that pervades the universe and manifests itself in various forms the goal is to realize this divinity within and since it takes many forms, it can be approached through many paths. It is only dharma that can proclaim the truth of vasudhaiva kutumbakam. We must treat other person and religion how we are treating our people and religion and we accept all religions, respect them how we are respecting our own religion by adopting the principle of vasudhaiva kutumbakam.

4. Principle of Love

Whether we enjoy someone’s company or not, whether we admire their character or not, we can still honor a person from a spiritual perspective simply because, we are all created from the same spirit. We often think that love as an emotion we experience, an emotion characterized by the desire to be close to another person, the sense of cozy pleasure we feel in a relationship. The principle of love is nothing but the principle of happiness the principle of love brings people the most happiness and this principle is the simplest and easiest for everyone to practice. Principle of love is nothing but we should love all persons irrespective of rich, poor, black, white, caste, religion, race and country. Gandhiji always said that ‘we hate the sin and not the sinner’ that mean we should not hate people but must hate those actions and activities of the people are not good for the society by showing right path to them.

International disputes like border disputes between countries, ethnic dispute, religion dispute, cultural dispute, ideological disputes, social and political disputes not solved by the war and conflict. It must be solved by adopting the principle of universal love making bond between people to people. People only think of what they want themselves and this desire leads to pain rather than concentrating on what you want, think about what you can give to others. True love is love that gives and it is the kind of love that constantly gives for no return and expects no reward. When people going to adopt vasudhaiva kutumbakam principle automatically this practice come into force.

5. Principle of Understanding and Compassion

The principle of vasudhaiva kutumbakam should be understood by the people who I am, why I must inculcate such values in my life being a member of the one family, one nation and one planet. Each and every member of the society when he is going to understand war, conflict, violence, racism and terrorism problems should be solved by only inculcating the principle vasudhaiva kutumbakam being the member of the one family irrespective of their caste, religion, creed, nationality and place of birth. This universal principle ultimate aim is to people should lead happy life and state must create such kind of environment over all personality development of the individual should happen and people should live in such kind of society where everybody is respecting other rights and liberties. People desires are not fulfilled by themselves those desires of people are fulfilled by nature they are not at all happy because, in the name of development and to earn more money and property values are decreasing, violating natural principles and humanity eroding day by day.

Compassion is another principle of vasudhaiva kutumbakam. Compassion motivates people to go out of their way to help the physical, mental or emotional pains of another and themselves. Compassion is often regarded as having sensitivity, an emotional aspect to suffering, though when based on cerebral notions such as fairness, justice and interdependence. Compassion involves allowing ourselves to be moved by suffering and experiencing the motivation to help alleviate and prevent it. Compassion is the foundation for unity, integrity and world peace for all living creatures in all situations.

6. Principle of Non violence (Ahimsa)

The principle of non violence or Ahimsa initiated by the Gandhiji. He said that, ‘hate the sin and not the sinner’ that mean we should not hate other people but we must hate those activities of the people which are harmful to the society. For non violent person can live wherever he want irrespective of his country, tradition, culture and he can do any kind of job, he can move and settle down any part of the earth by respecting other rights and liberties being a member of the one family adopting vasudhaiva kutumbakam principle. According to Gandhiji non violence means we should not harm any person mentally and physically all problems have solutions should be solve through peaceful co existence. We must come out from religion, tradition, cultures and conventions whatever we are following more important is that must give importance to humanity. The word humanity has the answer for all solutions the world is facing. People adopting the principle of non violence should solve their ethnic, religion and racism problems.

Six principles of non violence described by Dr. King’s philosophy of non violence in his book ‘Stride Toward Freedom’

  • Non violence is a way of life for courageous people                                                                                                        
  • Non violence seeks to win friendship and understanding                                                                                       
  • Non violence seeks to defeat injustice not people                                                                                                        
  • Non violence holds that suffering can educate and transform                                                                         
  • Non violence chooses love instead of hate                                                                                                                                
  • Non violence believes that the universe is on the side of justice

7. Principle of Dialogue

This is the most important principle of vasudhaiva kutumbakam all the world problems solved by dialogue to establish international peace and security throughout the world to bring harmony and co operation among people, continent and nations. Peace can be achieved only through dialogue and religion harmony, cultural harmony, mutual respect and deeper understanding of faith achieved through dialogue help us live as one family member under one god.

Many countries are fighting each other because of border dispute, ethnic dispute and religion dispute on the other hand some under developing or poor countries especially African countries are facing unemployment, poverty, hunger, disease, racial discrimination and Arab countries are burning because of religion, border dispute and terrorist organizations these such kind of problems many countries should be solved by only through cooperation, mutual understanding and through dialogue.

Indian prime minister has looked to the universal principle vasudhaiva kutumbakam which guide the nation domestic and foreign policies. The challenge is certainly to do this, to translate abstract ideals into strategic plans and policies.


Now the world is seeing international problems like terrorism, global warming and climate change such kind of problems solved not only by one or two more countries it is possible when all countries unite together cooperation and mutual understanding under the leadership of United Nation and this can be achieved through negotiation, dialogue and international treaties by adopting the universal concept of vasudhaiva kutumbakam.

Finally, the universal concept of ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ mainly focus on we are part of the globe as a whole everything in the universe interconnected and interdependent. The oneness is fundamental belief of Indian civilization. Ultimate aim of the concept of ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ is to avoid violence, war, conflicts, racism, terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, poverty, hunger, unemployment and protecting world as it is for future generations being a member of the one family, one nation and one earth.

“The world is one family, the whole of humanity is one human family and this planet is our only home” – Dalai Lama.


  1. https://www.spiritualeducation.org/node/667
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasudhaiva_Kutumbakam
  3. www.speakingtree.in
  4. portal.unesco.org – declaration of principles on tolerance: UNESCO
  5. http://happyscience-na.org

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