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Gangadhar L

PhD Research Scholar

Department of Development studies

Kannada University Hampi Vidyaranya,

Vijayanagara Karnataka India 583276

gangueconomic12@gmail.com Mob: 9686608533


Pig farming is one of the most successful businesses. Though, initial investment in pig farming seems to be high, the return from investment will be quicker because of faster growth rate, high fecundity and efficient feed conversion. Subsequently, animal products act as an alternative source of protein and ensure food security a detailed study on piggery farmers and their entrepreneurial behavior helps us to understand the characteristics and need of piggery farmers.

Keywords: Pig farming, entrepreneurial behavior, piggery farmers


Pig farming is the raising and breeding of domestic pigs as livestock, and is a branch of animal husbandry. Pigs are farmed principally to be eaten or sometimes skinned. Pigs are amenable to many different styles of farming: intensive commercial units, commercial free range enterprises, or extensive farming. Pig farming is one of the branches in animal husbandry and it is the raising and breeding of domestic pigs and livestock. Pigs were reared not only for its meat, but also for its skin. As the pigs had great potential to contribute for faster economic returns because of its prolific growth, high fecundity better.

            Feed conversion efficiency, low cost of rearing, high dressing percentage, early maturity and short generation interval. Hence, pigs constitute the most important component of the Indian livestock sector. Simultaneously, rearing of pigs require small investment with less infrastructure facilities and equipment’s. Additionally, Pig farming ensures food security and economic development of weaker sections of the society. Increased pork consumption in urban areas resulted in more demand for pig farming. Pig farming is profitable as both live and slaughtered pigs reared in clean and hygiene conditions had international and intercontinental trade

            The term ‘entrepreneur’ emerged from French ‘enterprendre’ which means ‘to undertake’. Entrepreneur was an innovative individual who exploit opportunities and assumes risks in new ventures. Consequently, entrepreneurship was the process or a task which assumes and forecasts risks and helps the entrepreneur to be successful in their enterprise. Entrepreneurship development not only empowers the entrepreneur but also indirectly benefits the Nation.

Pigs Housing

You can construct a pigsty cheaply by using locally available materials. It needs to be constructed according to climatic conditions and according to the pig production system. However, you must ensure good ventilation and ample shade, no overheating, no smells, no draft and no dampness. Additionally, you need to divide the pig building into different pens for each phase of the production cycle. The number and the size of the pens depend on the expected numbers of pigs to be housed in each production phase. Additionally, provide some outdoor space for roaming your pigs.

Pig Feeds and Feeding

Pig feeding is an important aspect of commercial pig farming. Overall, animal health and growth ratio depend on the availability of nutritious food. The basic ingredients of pig feed are oat, grains, maize, wheat, rice, sorghum and other millets. However, you must add some protein supplements like oil cakes, fish meal and meat meal. Additionally, you can also use packed feed that comes with proper nutrition balance. A pig needs lots of fresh clean water, approximately 1.5-2 gallons of water daily over 6 months.

Care and Management

It is your duty to ensure proper care of your animals and keep them safe against various diseases and health hazards. Also, some of the male pigs can be castrated when they become 3-4 weeks old. You must feed nutritious feed to the sow, especially during the lactation time and carefully breed piglets, boar, and other sows that are pregnant. To keep swine fever at bay, make sure that you provide vaccination to the piglets within 2-4 weeks of age. Apart from this, do not allow visitors to roam around in the farm unnecessarily to keep pigs safe.


Feed the Pigs Efficiently

Feeding pigs efficiently is a vital aspect of commercial farming.  The overall growth ratio and pig health are highly dependent on the food’s nutritional level. The basic pig feed ingredients include oats, wheat, rice, grains, sorghum, maize, and other millets. Ensure adding a few protein supplements such as meat and fish meal, oil cakes, etc. Apart from this, make water available in abundance since a pig needs it daily, which accounts to 1.5-2 gallons of water/6 months approximately.

Focus on Marketing

This goes for all the businesses and not just the pig farming business. When pigs reach their slaughtering age, you can easily sell them in the local and international markets since there is a lot of demand for the same. However, the problem persists when you have to compete with other farming business owners. This is where marketing steps in. If you will have a proper marketing campaign in place that focuses on promoting the quality of your products and health safety measures being adopted while raising pigs, you will not only have more clients in the local and national market but in the international market as well. The step-by-step guide mentioned above will help you in taking care of every process that is essential for the success of your business. However, as a newcomer in this business, you may have a lot of speculations in mind regarding pig breed and other issues related to animal farming.

Processed  Pork

The market for processed pork products is small, and the majority of this market is supplied through imports. Although there are some local companies which manufacture processed products such as sausages and bacon, quantities are limited and the industry is small. although the majority of these facilities do not export. these facilities do not process pork meat.


Animal products act as an alternative source of nutrients and ensure food security for the growing population of India. Among the various livestock, the pigs had quicker money returns which leads to successful commercial farming. Simultaneously, it acts as the source of livelihood for the weaker sections of the society and the rural poor. Hence, to promote India, it becomes necessary to promote the villages which can be done through entrepreneurship. In order to promote the weaker sections of the society along with rural areas, pig farming is one of the most successful commercial business farming. Government should devise new policies and programmers to promote pig farming in India and manage the established centres and revision of schemes should be done.


  1. Mazumder Y., Das A., Kar D., Shome B. R., Dutta B. K., Rahman H.(2012)
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  6. 19th Livestock Census All India Report 2012 .
  7. ICAR Report

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