Tumbe Group of International Journals

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Heritage Research through Inter-Disciplinary Approach - New Perspectives

Dr. Vidya .H .N 1

1 Associate Professor

Department of History

Government Arts, Commerce & Post-Graduate College (Autonomous)

Hassan District - 573201

Karnataka state

Ph :  9448870802

Mail - vidyasridhara365@gmail.com




This paper examines the need for heritage research, culture and emphasises on strengthening heritage research through global collaborations. Heritage Research is becoming a new topic of academic debate in global level because heritage conservation is threatened by human impatience and aggression.  An environmental and climatic change is causing swift damage to heritage monuments and growing population is causing added impact on conservation process. The need for inclusion of Inclusive Heritage Studies at higher education level is also thought of as a multi dimensional approach. These courses will assist in sustainable management of diverse heritage and help the community to reprocess of heritage and visualize future heritage. This will also aid in exploiting digital technologies in sustainable management of diverse heritage. This will also help in evolving mechanisms towards exploring hidden heritage and preserve contested heritage. Therefore, enhancing research capability for heritage research as a cross disciplinary and collaborative field of enquiry is considered as the need of the hour.

Keywords: Heritage Research, Inter- Disciplinary Approach, New Perspectives.


Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries, and World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC )  estimates that tourism generates nearly 12% of the World’s GNP. It is an increasingly important factor to notes that it contributes in the planning and management at UNESCO world heritage sites in an appropriate way.




Oral traditions


Performing arts


Social practices


Religious festivities

Works of art 

Cultural traditions

Works of sculpture

Traditional craftsmanship












  1. Intangible cultural heritage consists of non physical aspects of a particular culture more often maintained by social customs during a specific period in history. 
  2. The concept includes the ways and means of behaviour in a society and the often formal rules for operating in a particular cultural climate.
  3. These include social values and traditions customs and practices aesthetic and spiritual beliefs artistic expression language and other aspects of human activity.
  4.  The significance of physical artefacts can be interpreted as an act against the backdrop of socio economic political ethnic religious and philosophical values of a particular group of people.
  5. Naturally intangible cultural heritage is more difficult to preserve than physical objects. 
  6. Protection of cultural heritage or protection of cultural goods means all measures to protect cultural property against damage destruction theft embezzlement or other loss.
  7. The term monument protection is also used for immovable cultural property.
  8.  This relates in particular to the prevention of robbery digs at archaeological sites the looting or destruction of cultural sites and the theft of works of art from churches and  museums all over the world an basically measures regarding the conservation and general access to our common cultural heritage.
  9.  Legal protection of cultural heritage comprises a number of IN agreements and national laws and these must also be implemented.

Definition of world heritage world heritage

 UNESCO defines World Heritage as the designation for places on earth that are of outstanding universal value and defines culture as a set of distinctive spiritual material intellectual and emotional features of a society or a social group. Heritage can come in many forms. It is a generational inheritance means one which may be either tangible or intangible. Tangible cultural heritage can be understood as monuments,  town or cities sites ,  archaeological sites and works of art which carry and transit the cultural features of a society the spiritual material intellectual and emotional features of that society.

Convention Concerning the Protection of the World A Cultural and National Heritage 

World heritage sites were first designated under the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World A Cultural and National Heritage, which UNSECO adopted in 1972 and formally came into effect in 1975 after being ratified by 22 countries. The number of armed conflicts has been escalating since 1980s. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, West African countries are undergoing perennial armed conflicts and heavy devastating influence of these conflicts.  These have led to an increase in the destruction of historic sites by terrorist groups and an explosion in the trafficking of cultural artefacts.

Response through International community-

  1. The International community has responded actively to the protection process of heritage buildings.  The destruction wreaked by ISIS was attended with a much wider range of instruments at its disposal making it possible to enhance its protection of the cultural memory of humanity.
  2. In 2017 the international community demonstrated that it was united in its political determination to protect cultural heritage.
  3. Resolution of the UN Security Council formally recognizes that the defence of cultural heritage is imperative for security.
  4. The process at the end of the 19th century when 15 European states met in Brussels on 27 July 1874 to examines the draft IN agreement concerning the Laws and customs of war.
  5. In 1899 the initiative of Tsar Nicolas II of Russia an Inter National Peace Conference was held in the Netherlands, with the aim of revisiting the declaration and adopting a convention with respects to the Laws and Customs of war of land. 
  6. This is  known as the Hague Convention of 1899 ,  it considerably advanced Inter National  law and established the principle of the immunity of cultural property,
  7.  According to Article 27 of the Convention revises during second Hague convention on 18 October 1907 with the aim of revisiting the declaration and adopting a convention with respects to the Laws and Customs of war of land. 

Heritage Research areas are listed as follows

  1. Values And Cultural Heritage Research – cultural history  is a legacy of tangible and intangible heritage assets of a group or society that is inherited from past generations Not all legacies of past generations are heritage rather heritage is a product of selection by society
  2. Cultural Heritage Research  -  buildings monuments landscapes books works of art and artefacts
  3.  Intangible Culture Research -includes folklore traditions language bio diversity Intangible cultural heritage consists of non physical aspects of a particular culture more often maintained by social customs during a specific period in history.  The concept includes the ways and means of behaviour in a society and the often formal rules for operating in a particular cultural climate
  4.  Intellectual Property Research The term is often used in connection with issues relating to the protection of indigenous and. Legal protection of cultural property comprises a number of international agreements and national laws. UNESCO supports cultural preservation. These can be listed as below

The countries across the globe have felt the need to develop heritage research consortium as an innovative and broad cross disciplinary field. They have stressed on extending research based collaboration partnerships knowledge exchange pathways to recharge heritage research in innovative and durable ways. These ways have visualized as mechanisms towards   strengthening global inter-connections in heritage research process. Thus, a need to enhance research capability for heritage research as a across disciplinary and collaborative field of enquiry is highly indispensable.

The research potentialities will emerge with concern if they are assisted by community through voluntary public engagement.

There is also a need for inclusion of Inclusive Heritage Studies. These courses will assist in sustainable management of diverse heritage and help the community to reprocess of heritage and visualize future heritage. This will also aid in exploiting digital technologies in sustainable management of diverse heritage. This will also help in evolving mechanisms towards exploring hidden heritage and preserve contested heritage.

Heritage Research considerations

  1. Developing  Heritage Research - There is a need to develop heritage research as an innovative and broad cross disciplinary field
  2. Extend Collaboration Partnerships - There is a need to extend collaboration partnerships knowledge exchange and pathways to impact in heritage research
  3. Strengthen Global Inter Connections - There is a need to strengthen global inter connections in heritage research
  4. Enhance Research Capability - There is a need to enhance research capability for heritage research as across disciplinary and collaborative field of enquiry.


Hence, there is a need to develop heritage research as an innovative and broad cross inter disciplinary field of study , through extending  academic collaborations, partnerships, knowledge exchange programmes and global collaborative pathways which lead to impact in heritage research. There is a need strengthen global inter connections in heritage research to enhance research capability for heritage research as across disciplinary and collaborative field of enquiry.


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  2. India tourism at a glance, Ministry of tourism, Government of India, New Delhi, 2019
  3. Monuments, Acts and Rules, Archaeology Survey of India, Ministry of Culture, Government of India Publication, New Delhi 2017.
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  5. Richard W Benfield- Garden Tourism, University Of Connecticut USA 2013.
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  7. Satoru Araki- Tax and Development Challenge in Asia and the Pacific (Ed), 2019.
  8. The Report of the Ministry of Higher Education Government of India Publication New Delhi 2017-18.
  9. The Report of the United Nations Environmental Program – The Asian Brown Cloud – Climate & Other Environmental Impacts 2012.
  10. The Report of the World Travel & Tourism Council, Government of India. New Delhi 2020.
  11. Thomas R.P.-Garden Tourism and Its potential organization In Canterbury, Lincoln University, New Zealand, 2018-19.

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