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Barriers to Community Policing in India.

Hanamayya1, Dr Jagadeshkumar C N2

1PhD researcher, Department of development studies, Kannada university, Hampi, Vidyaranya, Email : hysangati108@gmail.com

2Assistant professor, First Grade College, Hunasagi


The important factor of the community policing is making people to be part of their own security. But it is very easy to say, it needs various types of activities which leads to ultimate aim of safety in the society through peoples co-operation. When we see the police image in India even if law enforcement organizations ready to mingle with the people, people are not going to accept it very easily. The deterrence of the police towards criminal activities and for the law breakers became a fear about police in general public, so police fear and distrust is a very common feature in our society. This fear is a major hurdle in bringing people close to the police. Thus Police fear in the society is a major obstacle for the implementation of community policing in India.

Key words: community, development and implementation of community,


Police-population ratio is also one of the major problems to the development and implementation of community policing in our country. According to the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D), there is just 1 policeman for 761 people which translates that approximately there are only 131 policemen to protect 1 lakh population, India has fewer cops per capita than most of the countries. Ideally, a policeman should look after just 568 people as per BPR&D. But sadly as per the data we can understand that there are just 60 of the police personnel are carrying the responsibilities of 100 police men. Apart from these, impunity for human rights violations by police stands in the way of public faith in police, as few police officers may behave violent with some of the offenders due to the over time duty and heavy work pressure. So without a full trust over the police and co-operation by public without any expectations community policing cannot be possible.

One of the main barriers to the community policing is lack of time for the police officers the in the present research we can see that many of the police officers said that they are already doing over time and more than 8 hours a day in that they have to attend all the basic works of civil or casual police system after that they have to manage with the Community Policing related works mainly meetings and discussions and awareness programs. This is becoming a very big task for the police officers. And even people are not able to get community policing officer very easily whenever they approach, it’s making the people to wait for the officers and officers have to make time attend the people. This situation is turning things little tedious, to overcome this there is a urgent need of more recruitments in the police department.


This chapter is proposed to present the Conclusions emerging out of the present study. These conclusions are categorized into General Conclusions on Community Policing. To conclude the present research first we need to see what all the things were there in the first four chapters the first chapter was about introduction of Community Policing which explains what exactly is Community Poling and the working system of Community Policing and also the ingredients of Community Policing system. In the first chapter next the whole History and Geneses of the Community Policing is observed in which we can see how Community Policing emerged in other countries and important landmarks in the journey of policing system in India. Then the Meaning and some of the important Definition of the Community Policing is explained which also contains the concept and role of community policing. And the chapter also contains present scenario of Community Policing in state, Indian scenario and international scenario. And at last some of the important characteristics of the Community Policing.

In the second chapter some of the important Models of Community policing and two core components of the community policing which are Community Partnership and Problem Solving are observed. Since it is the chapter to review the literatures, many of the important literature has been reviewed systematically which are bifurcated as International Literatures and as Indian Literatures. These are the literature which helps us to get better understanding and what are the research gaps in the past studies. And in the third chapter we mainly see the Research Design in which the Statements of the Problem are explained and Limitations of the study, Universe of the study, Scope of the study and Methodology of the research are explained. And this chapter also contains tools and techniques of the data collection, Objectives of the Research and Hypothesis of the research.

            The fourth and a very important chapter explains the results and discussions of the research with the help of some tables which shows the demography of police which was selected to the present study in which we can see there were 105 respondents from 7 different police stations of the Bengaluru, in the selected population of the sample maximum police personnel were males i.e. 80 (76.2%) followed by 25 (23.8%) of females officers, which shows males are more in the present police staff of these 7 selected police stations.

            When we concentrate on the experience of the officers selected as the sample for the study we can observe that there were 20(19.0%) of the police personnel who were having less than 5 years experience and 50 (47.6 %) of the personnel were having experience of 5 – 10 years, then 30 (28.6 %) of the officers were having the experience of 10 – 15 years and lastly only 5 (04.8 %) of the officers were having the experience more than 15 years.

            Finally If we see the overall demography of the police officers most important factors to notice are - there was male’s who dominated in numbers more than females, maximum people were field officers/ office staff (Constables), almost more than 80 % of the officers were having the experience of more than 5 years and only 20 % of the officials are undergraduates rest of them were having higher education qualification than just a graduation. And also shows the demography of public which was selected to the present study in which we can see there were 135 respondents were selected and maximum were males i.e. 85.2% followed by 14.8% of females, which shows males are more involved in the community policing.

To finish all if we see the overall demography of the public most important factors to notice are - there was male’s who dominated in numbers more than females, maximum people were between the age group of 36-45, 60% of the respondents were married, 70% of the respondents were Hindu, only 7.4% of the people were illiterate and unemployed. After the analysis of the data systematically, the next and one more important part of the research in this chapter is testing of the Hypothesis. The testing of Hypothesis is done with the help of few very important questions and the response of the sample to those particular questions which were drawn on the basis of objectives and hypothesis. And also pictorial representation of the data is made with the help of bar diagrams in the testing of Hypothesis.

Major Findings

  • The implementation of Community Policing System in Bengaluru has rendered better awareness and responsibility amongst Bengalorites than citizens from other parts where it is not in practice.
  • After practicing Community Policing even the cases like chain snatching and crime against women are reduced, due to better flow of information to the police.
  •  Regular monthly meetings are held in all 7 police stations on weekends where all the police officers of the particular station and community policing members discuss about the issues they face and share the information to keep the city safe and crime free.
  • The system of community policing increases police-public co-operation and co-ordination, reducing the public prejudice against police system.
  • All 7 police stations officials and the community policing members and general public are been added in a whatsapp group to share information instantly, this has became a very important tool in the practice of community policing.
  •  One more very important tool for the success of the Community Policing in Bangalore if the Face book page of Bangalore where every hours we can see all types of updates including crime, missing complaints, updated photos of pick pocketers, uploads of fresh suspects images / photos, traffic rules, information of construction works to avoid traffic problems, earlier information to avoid jams, information about problems due to rain water blockages / road blocks etc.
  • The initiation of Community Policing System has brought about a difference in the crime rate in those areas.
  • Shortage of the personnel is being the major problem for the police officers to perform community policing.
  • Studies have increasingly found that community policing is not a panacea that is easily implemented with immediate success.
  •  Friendly relationship with police has bought a secure atmosphere and safe feeling in the people of Bangalore.
  •  More public informers are generating which helps police to solve cases as early as possible.
  • Features that work in one place may not work in another.
  • There is no point in slavishly copying what other countries have done simply because it is called community policing. Community Policing is a experiment with the people of the particular area , so it is very essential to understand what kind of people are in the particular are and the mindset of the people and what kind of crimes occur in the particular area and then plan the organizational setup to overcome those issues.
  • Community Policing in Bangalore city is playing a vital role in prevention of crime.
  • There is a better awareness of Community Policing among the general public, almost 96% of the sample responded as yes they have knowledge of community policing and awareness about it.
  • The perception of role of Police in community policing differs among general public. Maximum of the respondents were accepting, participating, comfortable, co-operating, fearless with the police after getting the connected to police through community policing.


Community policing is being a very effective instrument in controlling crime in the modern society. Many of the developing countries like India and other developed countries are adopting Community Policing system, not only adopting and practicing, but in some places Community Policing is taken over and replaced the regular traditional policing system. After going through the review of literatures and the study done in the present research work, we can say that by the effective implementation of the Community Policing system in the society we can control crime rate I the society with the help of civilian’s police officials can easily carry out their duty. In our society people think that only police department do their duty to maintain law and order, maintain peace and harmony in the society, but sometimes general people also play a vital role of police officers to protect their life and property from the intruders.

Even though there concerns and limitations, it is clear that the philosophical, tactical and organizational characteristics of Community Based Policing had created a big contract of innovation in how police work is done and how people think about police. By seeing all this creativity and better changes in the law enforcement department driving people forward to be whole heartedly be a part of policing in there society, so we can say that if some adjustments are made according to their area, people, environment and crime patters, there is every reason to be confident about the possibility of improvement of Community Policing in the decades ahead. And it will definitely be a great reformation in the history of policing in India

The role of Community Policing in prevention of crime should be taken into account seriously. One of the main reasons of failure of the terrorism in few states and constant tension of naxalities in states like Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Assam and failure of checking of organized crime activities in some metropolitan cities is mainly due to lack of citizens co-operation. So, with the different and suitable schemes of Community Policing, people will be able to get and be close to policing and will be able to know their rights and duties towards their society. And it also a open fact that whatever tough or stringent anti-terrorism law may be enacted by the government to check terrorism and other social evils, direct involvement of the citizens to fight different types of problems in the society is the only way. Thus community policing will be a most effective alternative mechanism to keep society peace and tranquility in society and make a society safe and better place to live.


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