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  1. See on the issue “forestatement” in Ramesh K. Arora and Rakesh Hooja, eds., Administration of Rural Development : India and comparative Perspectives ( Jaipur, Arithant,1994).
  2. Sudesh Kumar Sharma “ panchayat Raj in India”, Trrimurti Publications, NewDelhi,1978.
  3. Report of the committee on panchayat Raj Instution, Government  India ,New Delhi,1978.
  4. Hooja B “panchayat Raj versus Decentralisation of Administrations”, Indian journal of Public Administrations , Vol. XXIV, No.3.July-sep 1978.
  5. Kadam , R.N 2012 . “role of Gram Panchayati rural Development : A Study of Uttur Village of Mudhol Taluka, Bagalkot Distric (Karnataka).” International Journal of Research in Finance & marketing2(10):14-29.
  6. Mishra, A.K., N.Akhtar & S. Tarik.2011. “Role of the panchayati Raj Institutions in Rural Development (An Analytical Study of Uttar Pradesh)”. Management Insight 1(2):37-40.
  7. Modern technology in implementation of RD   KURUKSHETRA. DEC- 2018

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