Tumbe Group of International Journals


  1. Bonnett, Alastair (March 2003). "Geography as the world discipline: connecting popular and academic geographical imaginations". Area. 35 (1):
  2. Chouhan B - Environmental Geography, firewall publications 2008
  3. David Demeritt (2009): From externality to inputs and interference: framing environmental research in geography. In: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 34 (1),
  4. Johnston, Ron (2000). "Human Geography". In Johnston, Ron; Gregory, Derek; Pratt, Geraldine; et al. The Dictionary of Human Geography. Oxford: Blackwell.
  5. Moseley, William G. An introduction to human-environment geography : local dynamics and global processes. Wiley-Blackwell publication 2014 .
  6. Moseley, William G.; Perramond, Eric; Hapke, Holly M.; Laris, Paul Human and Environment Geography. Wiley Blackwell publication  2014.
  7. Mukkanti K - Environmental Geography, S chand publishing New Delhi  2010
  8. Noel Castree et al. (2009): A Companion to Environmental Geography.
  9. Savindra singh – Environmental Geography,  prayag pustak bhavan publication 1991
  10. Smrithi Sri vatsa - Environmental studies  , SK kataria publication 2009
  11. Wu, J. 2008. Landscape ecology. In: S. E. Jorgensen (ed), Encyclopaedia of Ecology. Elsevier, Oxford.
  12. Jordan-Bychkov, Terry G.; Domosh, Mona; Rown tree, Lester (1994). The human mosaic: a thematic introduction to cultural geography. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers
  13. AG Career Guide: Jobs in Geography and related Geographical Sciences. Association of American Geographers
  14. Wu, J. 2008. Landscape ecology. In: S. E. Jorgensen (ed), Encyclopaedia of Ecology. Elsevier, Oxford.

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