Tumbe Group of International Journals


  1. Aromar Revi (1991), “Shelter in India”, Vikas publishing House, Newdelhi.
  2. Avatar Singh Sahota (2015), “Schemes on Rural Housing “, Kurukshetra, Vol. 53
  3. Giriappa S (1998), “Housing and Development in India”, Monith Publications, New Delhi.
  4. Gaur K.D. (1996), “Housing for the Rural Poor Kurukshetra”.
  5. Indira Hirway (1987), “Housing for the Rural Poor” Economic and Political Weekly August 22.
  6. Kiran Kumar P, Ravindra Kumar B (2016), “Impact of Rural Housing Scheme on Human Development in India- An analysis International Research  Journal of multidisciplinary studies, Vol.2
  7. Sudipta Biswas (2015), “The Role of Indira Awaas Yojana in Addressing Rural Homelessness- An Evaluation, International Journal of Social Science Studies, Vol-II, Issue II, Septemeber 2015.
  8. Venkataraman (2015), “Housing Policy and Practice in India”, IIMB Management Review, June 2015.

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