Tumbe Group of International Journals


  1. Jamadhagni, S. Utham Kumar,(2007)" Maritime Security in The Indian Ocean. "(pp.58-63)South Asia Defence and Strategic Year Book, New Delhi, India: Panchasheel.
  2. Kaplan, Robert D., (2011). The Indian ocean and the Future of American Power, New York: Random House.
  3. Panikkar, K. M., (1971). India and the Indian ocean:As Essay on the  Influence of Sea  Power on Indian History, Bombay, India: George Allen & Unwin India.
  4. Singh, Jasjit, (1985), "The India Ocean-Future Challenges", Indian Defence Review, Vol. IV.
  5. Khalid, Mohammed, (2011, August)," India and Island States of the Western Indian ocean: A  Significant Geopolitical Linkage in the Region", Journal of Indian ocean Studies, Vol. 19.No.2.pp.212-232
  6. Khan, Ahsan Ur Rahaman, (August 6,2013), "Evolving Geopolitics of Indian ocean : In- depth  Analysis", Oriental Review, pp. 1-19.
  7. Cole, G. D. H., (2000), " Imperial Military Geography ". In Agarwal, Amita, Indian ocean and World Peace ( p.16). New Delhi : Kanishka Publication.
  8. Parmar, Sarabjeet Singh, (January- March, 2014), " Maritime security in the Indian ocean: An Indian Perspective ", Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, P. 50.
  9. Ashley J. Tellis, (1990), " Securing the Barracks : The Logic, Structure and Objectives of India's Naval Expansion ", Naval War College Review, Summer. P. 76.
  10. Panth, Harsh V., eds, (1988), The Rise of the Indian Navy : Internal Vulnerabilities, External Challenges, England: Ashgate, pp. 2-3.
  11. Sakhuja, Vijay, (2011), Asian Maritime Power in the 21st  Century : Strategic Transactions: China, India and Southeast Asia, Singapore: Institute of South East Asian Studies.
  12. Rais, Rasul B., (1987), The Indian Ocean and the Superpowers: Economic, Political, and Strategic Perspective, New Delhi: Vistaar Publications.
  13. Christopher Matthew, (1967), Britain's Role Tomorrow, London: Hutchison.
  14. Panikkar, K. M., (1944), The Strategic Problems of the Indian ocean, New Delhi: Indian Institute of International Affairs Pamphlet.
  15. Panikkar, K. M., ( 1946), The Basis of an Indo-British  Treaty, New Delhi: Indian Council of Would Affairs.
  16. Scott, David, (2006), " India's " Grand Strategy " for the Indian Ocean : Mahanian Visions ", Asia Pacific Review, Vol. 13, No. 2., pp. 97-129
  17. Roy Chaudhury, Rahul, (1995), Sea Power and Indian Security, London: Brassey's.
  18. Palmer, N., (1972), " South Asia and the Indian ocean ", in  Cottrell, A. and Burrell, R. (Eds), The Indian ocean : Its Political, Economic, and Military Importance, New York: Praeger.
  19. Graham, Euan, (2006), Japan's Sea Lane Security, 1940-2004: A matter of life and death? London: Routledge.
  20. Sawnney, Brigadier Indrajit S., (1990), The Indian ocean as a  Geostrategic  Region: Recent Evolution, Status and Prospects, U. S. Army War College.
  21. Vibhakar, Jagadish, (1974), Afro-Asian Security and Indian ocean, New Delhi: Strling Publishers.
  22. Memorandum from the Assistant Secretary  of State for near Eastern and South Asia Affairs to the Secretary of State William Rogers, Washington (1969, June 24).Retrieved from https://2001-2009.state.gov/documents/organisation/113358.pdf. pp. 123-124, accessed on 11.12.2016.
  23. Kaushik, Devendra, (1987), Perspective on Security In Indian Ocean Region, New Delhi: Allied Publishers.
  24. Soviet Naval Presence in the Indian Ocean (1968), Retrieved from https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80R01731R002200020002-8. Pdf. accessed on 15.12.2016.
  25. Freedom to Use Seas: India's Maritime Military Strategy (2007), New Delhi: Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence.
  26. Banerjee, Jyotirmoy, (2003) " Power on the Sea: India's Power Projection in the Indian Ocean ", in Rao, P. V. (ed), India and Indian Ocean : In the Twilight of the Millennium, New Delhi: South Asia Publishers.
  27. Zinger, Marcus B., (July 1993), " The Development of Indian Naval Strategy Since 1971", Contemporary South Asia, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.335-359.
  28. Akhtar, Majid, (1986), Indian Ocean : Conflict and Regional Cooperation, New Delhi: ABC Publications.
  29. Sri Lanka's Memorandum on Indian Ocean Security, Appendix- J, (2000), in Agarwal, Amita, Indian Ocean and World Peace, New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers.
  30. India's first recognise Maldives, Retrieved from http:// www.southasianmedia.net/profile/maldives/w_ foreign_ relation. cfm. accessed on 24.12.2010.
  31. Phadnis, Urmila and Dutt Luithui, Ela, (1984), Maldives: Winds of Change in an Atoll State, New Delhi: South Asian Publishers.
  32. Fernando, Sithara N., (August 2010), "China's Relations with Sri Lanka and the Maldives: Models of Good Relations among Big and Small Countries ", China Report, Vol. 46, No. 3.
  33. Kraska, James, (2012), " Indian Ocean Security and The Law of the Sea", Georgetown Journal of International Law, Vol. 43, pp. 434-481.
  34. Srilatha. V., (2007), " Indo- Sri Lanka Maritime Cooperation : Implications on the Bay of Bengal ", in Nirmala Devi. T., (Ed), India and Bay of Bengal Community: The BIMSTEC Experiment, New Delhi: Gyan Publishing House.
  35. Kurien, Nimmi, (2003), " China's Emerging Role in Indian Ocean : India's Options " , in Rao, P. V. (Ed), India and Indian Ocean : In the Twilight of the Millennium, New Delhi: South Asian Publishers.
  36. Raja Mohan C., ( June 1, 1992), ' Indian Ocean as peace zone needs quiet burial'. The Hindu.

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