Tumbe Group of International Journals


  1. Acharya CN. (1946). Relation between nitrogen conversion and quality of humus obtained in manure preparation. Indian Farming, 7(2):66-67.
  2. Bharne VV, Chudhary CS, Dangore ST, Raut PO and Thakre PD. (2003). Composting experiment on paddy straw, sorghum stubbles and cotton stalk with and without Trichoderma, 33(3): 65-68.
  3. Bhasme SP, Thakur KD, Nair R, Sahare V and Bhagat P. (2006). Decomposition of agricultural waste by effective microorganisms. J. PL. Dis.Sci, 1(2): 219-220.
  4. Richardson AD, Duigan SP and Berlyn GP. (2002): An evaluation of noninvasive methods to estimate foliar chlorophyll content. New Phytologist, 153, 185-194.
  5. Arnon, D. I. (1949). Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts.   Polyphenoloxidase   in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiol, 24,1-15.
  6. Pramod NK, Sanjay PG, Ranjeet SM and Anupreet T. (2015). Estimation of Chlorophyll Content in Young and Adult Leaves of Some Selected Plants. Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology, 5(6): 306-310.

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