Tumbe Group of International Journals


  1. U.S. Raikar, V.B. Tangod, S.R. Mannopantar, and B.M. Mastiholi. Opt.Commun.283(21), 4289 (2010).
  2. U.S. Raikar, V.B. Tangod, C.G. Renuka, and B.M. Mastiholi. Afr. J. Pure Appl. Chem. 4(4), 51 (2010).
  3. U.S. Raikar, V.B. Tangod, B.M. Mastiholi, and S. Srinivas. Afr. J. Pure Appl.Chem. 4(9), 188 (2010).
  4. U.S. Raikar,V.B. Tangod and B.M. Mastiholi. Opt. Commun. 284(19), 4761 (2011).
  5. V.B. Tangod, B.M. Mastiholi, M.G. Kotresh, P.B. Ganjihal, P. Raikar, and  U.S.Raikar. Proceedings of International Conference on Optical Engineering. 2012.
  6. V.B.Tangod, P.U.Raikar, B.M. Mastiholi and US Raikar.Canadian Journal of  Physics. 92 (2),116-123.
  7. B.M.Mastiholi, P.U.Raikar, V.B.Tangod, S.G.Kulkarni and U.S.Raikar, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP),  6 (6) Ver. III (Nov.-Dec. 2014), 43-47.
  8. C.F. Bohren and D.F. Huffman. Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles. Wiley, New York. 1983.
  9. J. Perez-Juste, P.Mulvaney, L.M. Liz-Marzan.Int. J.Nanotechnol. 4(3),215 (2007).
  10. I.-I.S. Lim and C.-J. Zhong. Gold Bull. 40(1), 59 (2007).
  11. G. Zoriniants and W.L. Barnes. New J. Phys. 10, 105002 (2008).
  12. M. Eichelbaum,B.E.Schmidt, H.I.Rademann. Nanotechnology,18,355702 (2008).
  13. B.M. Mastiholi, V.B. Tangod, and U.S. Raikar. Optik, Int. J. Light Electron Opt.124, 261 (2013).
  14. A Kawski, P. Bojarski, B. Kuklinski, Chem. Phys. Lett. 463 (2008) 410.
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  18. J. Zhu, J. Li, A. Wang, Y. Chen, and J. Zhao. Nanoscale Res. Lett. 5, 1496 (2010).
  19. H. Xu and K.S. Suslick. Adv. Mater. 22, 1078 (2010).

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