Tumbe Group of International Journals


  1. Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program, Prepared for the State Government of Karnataka and the Asian Development Bank, by DHV BV, The Netherlands in association with DHV India Pvt. Ltd, April, 2013
  2. Indigenous Water conservation systems: A Rich tradition of rural Himachala Pradesh, by Neethu Sharma and Poornima Kanwar, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol  No.8(4) October 2009 p.510 to 513
  3. Traditional water management systems for Drought Mitigation in India, BY Sreeja S. Nair, Swathi Singh and Dr. Anil K Gupta
  4. Kerr, J.M. (ed.). 1991. Farmers' practices and soil and water conservation programs: summary proceedings of a Workshop, 19-21 Jun 1991, ICRISAT Center, India, Patancheru, A.P. India: ICRISAT and Winrock International. ISBN 92-9066-211-5
  5. Agrawal, A. (1998). “Coping with dry spells and drought years – India’s traditions in water harvesting”, Stockholm Water Front, No.1-2, May 1998. Stockholm, Sweden.
  6.  Central Water Commission (CWC). (1998). “Water Statistics of India, Delhi, India: Central Water Commission”.
  7. Government of India (GOI). (1999). “Report of the National Planning Commission Integrated Water Resources Development”, India: Government of India.
  8. Waternaama: A collection of traditional practices for water conservation and management in Karnataka, Edited by Sandhya Iyengar, Published by Communication for Development and Learning(CDL) Bangalore, 2007

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