Tumbe Group of International Journals


  1. Amarthyasen, Poverty and Famine, Oxford Carrenhan Press, 1981.
  2. A Study on the Performance of Public Distribution System with Reference to Kolacheel Municipality, Bhagyashree P.G. Volume No-8, 2017.
  3. Criminal Case for Illegal Ration Card, Vijayavani News paper, 2020.
  4. Question if more money is asked for ration, Prajavani News Pepar, 19 April, 2020,
  5. Free ration not reaching target, Prajavani News Pepar, 2 July 2020.
  6. War against hunger India China Senasu, Prajavani News Pepar, 15 July 2020.
  7. FAO, The Stage of Food in Security in the World, 2001.

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