Tumbe Group of International Journals


  1. Agarwal, A.N., Indian Agriculture Problems, Progress and Prospects, Delhi: Vikas Publishing Private Ltd., 2001
  2. Altieri, A., and Miguel, “Acro-Ecology-The scientific basis of alternative agriculture”, United Kingdom: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1987.
  3. Beckmen., Principles of marketing Management, Arabia: Judon Publishers, 2001, p.340.
  4. Clark., R.D., & Clark, F.E., Principles of Marketing, Mumbai:Himalaya Publications, p.14
  5. Cthatrapati, A.C., Trading in oil seeds Commerce Annual, Chamber of Commerce, 1982.
  6. Komal, K.H., Growth of instability in agriculture, Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House.
  7. Sharma, S., Principles of Marketing Management, Chennai: Vikas publishers, 2004, p.126.

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