Tumbe Group of International Journals


  1. T. R. Chandrasekhar Accumulation of Primitive Wealth and Indian Democracy Hostu Monthly Navkarnataka Prakashan Bangalore Dec, 2018.
  2. Chandrappa, C. Raitha and Adivasi (Pre-Independence Movement) Manoj Publication Bangalore, 2012.
  3. Frederick Engels, K.L. Gopalakrishna Rao, Origin of Family, Private Property, and State. Progress Publishing Moscow, 1980.
  4. Jasleen Kelwani, Deforestation and Socio Economic Environment, Concept
  5. Publication Company Pvt. New Delhi 2012.
  6. Ramaswamy.AT. Interim Report on Land Grab addressed to the President, Joint House Committee, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore City and Urban District ॥ 2007.
  7. Satpal Puliyani, Fair Redress and Transparency in Land Acquisition and Empowerment for Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Act, 2013, 2014, 2015. And Land Acquisition Act 1894. Karnataka Law Journal Publication, Bangalore.2018
  8. Sundarapadian, Development India, Policies and Infos Volume One, Concept Publication Company Pvt. New Delhi 2012.

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