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MULTIDISCIPLINARY NATURE OF ENVIRONMENT YOGESH .S 2ND Year  BSC – CBZ G. F. G.C Tumakuru INTRODUCTION:- Every organism is outcome of two factors namly “heredity” and “environment” heridity is contributed by parents while environment is the contribution of nature. the important of environment is to study was felt in 1970 due to the origin of pollution problem, it was also realized that public awarness is necessary regarding the protection of environment  and that is why the UGC introduce environment as the subject not only for science students but also for the students of commerce and arts throughout India out of the nine planets surrounds the sun. the earth is the only planet were life exists. All organisms along with earth and atmosphere  forms the biosphere. Environment is the basement for  the origin and evolution of life. Dinosers which dominated the earth in merozoic era i.e six million years ago, they were destroyed or died due to unfavourable environment. Definition: The word environment has two parts; Environ=surroundings, ment = to result of It does means everything that surrounds an organisms hence  environment is the sum total of living and non living influences and events surrounding an organism. according to tansley  sum total of  all effective factors in which an organism lives is “environment”     -------TANSLEY The moment we attain the word environment we feel the presence of soil, water, mountains ,ponds river, sea, desert, etc…, Thus environment means the summation of living biotic  and non-living abiotic components  factors in an organism. SCOPE AND IMPORTANCE:- The scope of environment is very wide it includes the study of atmosphere, troposphere and hydrosphere invisible microbes which are not visible to us are also part of our environment  judicious utilization of natural resources like soil, water and minerals is the main part of environment. to avoid distructions in the name of development  is also a part of study of environment .natural hazards like earthquiks, valcanos and sunami’s disturbs the balance of nature. multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies are connected with several other subjects BOTONY AND ENVIRONMENT Green plants are the primary producers, they produce food by utilization of carbondioxide, water and sunlight. Were sunlight is the main source of energy evry green leaf is a solar coocke. the process of food manufacturing in plants is called photosynthesis ,oxygen is produced which is vital source for all living organisms. the food produced by green plants not only supports the plants but also the animals: all animals are consumers: the green plants are the main producers  for all consumers in the world, hence study of botony is connected with environment…… ZOOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT Animals are the important  components of environment,they can be carnivorous or herbivorous the balance of animals in biosphere is important for the overall balance of earths environment man and some other species are omnivorous and presently man is considered as a dangerous,he has disturbed the balance of environment,because man cuts the forest and converts it into agricultural lands and therafter agricultural lands into residential colonies,multistoried buildings  or concrete jungles which are replacing the natural jungles.due to these mistake  of man some foreign weeds like parthanium have entered to our environment,thus study of environment is connected with human activities also… CHEMISTRY & ENIRONMENT:- Chemical structure of soil, water and gases inheal acid rains ozone layer diplition. And study of green house gases is studied in chemistry. This study is also connected with environment issues PHYSICS & ENVIRONMENT:- Light, heat and radioactivity and noise pollutions are covered in the discipline of physics, they also effect healthy environment. GEOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT:- Minerals are obtained from the earth by digging or mining very deep; digging results in earthquacks hence geology and environment are interdisciplinary. GEOGRAPHY & ENVIRONMENT:- Latitude longitude height from mean sea level affect the vegetation as well as animals & ultimately the environment. LAW & ENVIRONMENT:- Man is becoming the enemy of environment, to protect the environment legislative measures are to be implemented. So law studies getting connected to the environment. AWARENESS ABOUT ENVIRONMENT:- It is leadless to say that the very existive of man depends upon balance of environment. Industrialization and economic progress have taken place at the cost of degredation of the environment. Poverty, population and pollution are the common problems faced by the developing countries like India, pure air and pure water for luxury for big cities one have to pay very high price for these gifts available in nature it was there for realize by the world to create an awareness regarding the environment.                       You have know organized conference on stalk home on 5th june 1972 Smt. Indiragandhi. The den prime ministers of India considered poverty as the biggest pollutant of environmental balance. In the memory of these conference 5th june is observed as the world environment day every year. On these day newspapers, radio and TV focus their affection on environmental problems. Gopal gas tragedy due to leakage of MIC(methyl iso cyanide) from union carbide resulted in the death of 2500 people and about one lakh people are suffering today from chest trouble & vision problem. Justice Krishna ayar called this tragegy. the boposhima on the lines of the atomoic bomb explosion in iroshima. This is the biggest air pollution tragedy in the world in 1986. An explosion took place in the nuclear power plant in Russia. About one million people were effectedand this power plant was closed out. Water of several rivers are polluted due to factory waste water of hand pumps contains arsenic and fluorides – it has toxic effects it is necessary to create awareness about environment in common man.government of India started ministry of environment and also passed forest act in 1972. Government of Madhya Pradesh implemented the forest act in 1974. The parliament has added articles-48A and 51A in the constitution. ARTICLE 48A:-    It is the duty of the state government to protect and improve the government. The government has to protect the forest and wild life. ARTICLE 51A:- It is the responsible of every Indian citizen to protect the natural environment, which includes forest , lakes, rivers and  wild life. Every Indian citizen should have compassion for living creatures. At world level the following programmes have been started by man 1)“international biological programme” 2) “man & biosphere programme” started in 1970 by unesco. 3)Stockholm conference from 5th to 6th june 1972. 4)international geoshpere biological programme 1986. 5)Earth summit reode jenerio(brazil) 1992. 6)world conference on natural disaster yokohama, japan 1996. 7)Kyoto protocol- Kyoto, japan 1997. 8)World conference on sustainable development in johannesberg, south Africa 2001. 9) world conference on global warming, bali(indonaesia) 2007. Programmes regarding environmental awareness at the level of governmental & non-governmental organizations. 1)Animal welfare fortnight from 14th January 2)world forest day 21st January 3)world environment day june5th 4)world animal day 3rd October 5)world habitate day 4rt October 6)world wildlife week from Monday of the first week of October 7)world conversation day 3rd December VAN MAHOTHSAV:- Van mahothsav started by prime minister, in India from 1950. In the month of july and February plantation is done by the forest department. CHIPKO MOVEMENT:- Chipko movement started by chandi prasrd bhat of terigarwad in utteranchal Pradesh from 1973 onwards, he was followed by sunderlal bohuguna of koteshwar agency tries to cut the trees each village people hugs the trees of save them. On the lines of chipko movement shree panduranga hegde was started the chipko movement in south. It is due to this movement so many natural vegetations where saved SOCIAL FORESTY:- This programme was started in Gujarat in 1974 its aim is to provide connection between society and plantation. If the former planning for one year grow a rice plant, if he planes for 10 years grow a tree but if you are planning for 100 years create a awareness to a man is its aim.

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