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MALALA YOUSAFZAI Amaresh Biradar B.com 3rd year ‘ A’ section Mob – 8151910608 GFGC COLLEGE TUMKUR. Guided by. Smt. Renuka, Department of History As the great proverb goes `Where there is a will, there is Way Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist fighting for the cause of female education. She is the youngest Nobel Laureate in the world. Malala Yousafzai was born on july 1997 in Mingora,Khyber Pakhtun kwprovince of North West Pakisthan.Her father is ZiauddinYousafzai and mother is TorpekaiYousafzai.Her parents have been supporting in every sphere of her life.        Yousafzai is mainly known for her human rights advocatory for education of women in her native Swat valley in the Khyber Pakhtunkwa,where the local Taliban had,at times ,banned girls from attending schools.Her advocacy has since grown into an international movement.       Yousafza’s family also supports girl’s education by starting a chain of schools in the region .When Yousafzai was merely 11-12 years old ,she wrote a blog under Taliban occupation, their attempts to control the valley and her views on promoting education for girls in Swat valley.         A journalist  AdamB. Ellickmadea’’New York Documentary ‘’about her life As the Pakistani military intervened in the region.Yousafzai rose in prominence, by giving interviews In print and on mass media and she was nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize by South African Activist Desmond Tuto .Once,on the afternoon of 9th October 2012, Yousafzai boarded her school bus in the Pakistan district of Swat.A gun man asked her by name ,then he fired three shots One bullet hit the left side of her forehead,travelled under her skin through the length of her face and then went into her shoulder.Afterthe attack she remained unconscious and in critical condition. Later her condition improved enough for her to be sent to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in England intensive rehabilitation. On12th July2015,her 18thbirthday,yousafzai opened a school in the Bekkavalley.Lebanon,nearnearthe Syrian border. She opened this school for the Syrian refuge girls. schools funded by the notfor-profit.Malala Fund offers education and training to girls aged between 14 and 18. Malala Yousafzai ,besides fighting for the rights of women for education, called on world leaders to ‘’Invest in books, not Bullets’’.Yousafzai has received sevral standing ovations. BanKi Moon also spoke at the session by describing her as ‘’our hero’’ .Yousafzai  also presented the chamber With ‘’The education we want ‘’.The UN Global Education First Youth Advocacy Group,told her audience, Malala day is not her day ‘that day is the day of every woman,every boy and every girl who have raised Their voice for their rights.’’ The Pakistan government did not comment on Yousafzai’s  UN appearance, Amid a backlash against her in Pakistan’s press and social media. All thought that,they would change Yousafzai’s aims and stop her ambitions ,butnothingchanges in her life except this; weakness, fear and Hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage were born.just she spoke up for the right of education for the sons and daughters of the Taliban terrorists and extremists.        Im February 2014,Yousafzai was announced as the co-recipient of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for her struggle against the suppression of children and young people for the right Suppression of children to education .she received the prize at the age of 17.Yousafzai is the only Pakistani winner of Nobel Peace Prize. She shared the Nobel Prize with Kailash Satyarthi’a children rights Activist from India. she has won many awards at the early age such as Sakhsrov Prize on 10th  October 2013,Honary Canadian Citizenship on 22nd October 2014 and National Youth Peace Prize on 19th December 2011 The 18 years old girl, fighting for the cause of women education, is an inspiration to all. She is a great model to the youths of the whole world. She has shown that ‘’a woman can do and achieve whatever she wants to’’. Rwally, Yousafzai has proved that ‘’Strength does not come from physicalcapa city.It comes from an indomitable will’’.

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