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Shalini M. D.

I B.Sc. (CBZ) , 18S11125

Govt. First Grade College, Tumkur



            The world demand for food and energy is ever exponentially growing. According to the UN we will need 50% more food by the year 2050. Therefore exploiting new resources is urgent. A human supplementation experiments was done on malnutrition effected individuals ageing from 20 months to 5 years old. Most of the countries in the world is suffering from malnutrition. Lack of sufficient nutrients in the body is called malnutrition. The easy way to combat the malnutrition is Spirulina.

History of spirulina

            Spirulina was rediscovered during a European scientific mission in Chad, as a traditional food of the locals called ‘Dihe’. It was a blue green, dried cake made of a micro organism which grew in the natural alkali lagoons found in this region.

            It was found that people had been consuming this for centuries not only in Chad, but also in Mexico and other areas. Even though people here had extremely poor diet, they did not suffer from malnutrition.

Spirulina (Blue green algae)

            Algae describes as a large and diverse group of simple, plant like organisms found in salt water and some large fresh water lakes. Blue green algae is one of the most nutrients dense food on the planet.

            Blue green algae, which has super food due to high concentrations of proteins, vitamins and nutrients dense foods on the planet. Two varieties Spirulina and Aphanizomenon fios – aquae are the most consumed forms of blue green algae, which has super food status due to high concentrations of proteins, vitamins and nutrients.

            Spirulina is an aquatic micro organism often referred to as an algae though it more closely resembles bacteria. It is used as food supplement to combat malnutrition.

            1 g of Spirulina is said to be as nutritious as 100 g of spinach or carrots and is cheaper. It has an extremely high protein contents with 60 – 70% of its dry weight consisting of a balanced mix of various essential amino acids. Further it is rich in beta carotene, iron, Vit B12, gamma – linolenic acid and other micro nutrients. It has no cell wall and is therefore very easy to digest.

            It can be consumed directly as the paste which is harvested or dried. This is highly useful for cheap, local distribution in rural areas. Further it is also suitable to be produced industrially for the middle class. This is in the form of pills sold in pharmacies or combined with various food products such as rice, milk products energy balls, candy, noodles etc.

            It is rich in asparic acid, folic acid. One kg of dry spirulina powder is being sold at Rs. 1,000 in the market.


  1. It improves physical growth as well as cognitive development. It also improves immunity and therefore helps in fighting and preventing HIV/AIDS and anemia.
  2. It strengthens the immune system
  3. It improves the digestion
  4. Spirulina may prevent from certain type of cancers.
  5. It is good for women and children since it contains easy to absorb iron supplements
  6. It is excellent source of beta carotene hence can consider this as a good antioxidant and good for eye health.
  7. Good for muscle building
  8. Spirulina possess anti – inflammatory properties and good for arthritis patients
  9. Good for heart health
  10. Taking spirulina can make you to look younger due to its anti aging properties
  11. It is used as a food supplement for the astronomer

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