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Medicinal plants and its conservation AJITHKUMAR T V III B.Sc (CBZ) Govt. First Grade College, Tumkur Mail id- ajithkhanna01@gmail.com     PH No- 9019335660  World without green as looks like a dead body.  As we are leading a happy life from a long ago it's all because of nature and that has been known for every individual on their earth. Imagine how it would be the world without plants and trees? There will be no one about that if they are not there It's been all over the plants and trees in our daily life to respire to feed to secure a shelter our daily needs  it goes on as I right  plants not only give us   oxygen for respiration food through photosynthesis but also play pivotal role in our healthy life through their medicinal resources  It’s been estimated that there are over more than 7 million various plant   species in all over the world, In India it accounted for more 2 million variety of plants species among that  it's been estimated that there would be more than 7000 medicinal plants.  In botany the branch which deals with study of traditional and medicinal value of plant that is called as herbalism             Plants normally provide oxygen and food but medicinal character of the plant makes them much more essential in our daily life because natural resources  and  possess  healing  character and very effective for any diseases with no side effects and this makes them very unique from artificial English medicines some of the important medicinal plants are aloevera, Tulasi, coriander, lemongrass, mint, ashvagandha, bryophyllumetc. Tulasi-  plant has many medicinal properties Tulsi have a  healing power the leaves are unit a never  tonic and additionally  sharpen memory and good remedy for  respiratory disorder, asthma, influenza, cold and cough Aloevera - shop extremely useful To speed up the healing and reducing. the risk  of infections for wounds, cuts, burns, heartburn relief, lowering your blood sugar, potential to fight, breast cancer etc Coriander- seeds are effective to treat digestive issues is very beneficial in treating cold, cough and diabetes, prevent anaemia, prevents menstrual irregularities etc Ashvgandha- leaves and fruits process  tremendove  medicinal value, Touted  to be the most famous Ayurvedic used in many tonics and formulas Ashwagandha helps maintain proper  Nourishment of the tissue muscle and bone and it can reduce blood sugar level and it has anticancer properties. As like above all the medicinal plants have their own medicinal value which will cure several health infections in one or the other way. The   major benefits of using plant medicines is they are naturally grown with all the Essential elements required for us, Instead they would increase our body immune system power much better along with if they do not cause any Other Side  infection our body. so it's our responsibility to save our medicinal national for  our own, we have to sow  and grow much more medicinal plants.  it's our responsibility to spread the knowledge of using plants parts for medicinal use future  generation and have to create awareness among public and should protect like  endangered  and endemic species.

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