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Medicinal plant- Mint

D N  Umesh Babu

1st BSC (CBZ) B section

Govt. First Grade College, Tumkur

E-mail: umeshbabu@gmail.com      Ph no-  9620843505                                                        



  Genus- mentha

 Mint was originally used as a medicinal herb to treat stomach ache and chest pains.  There are several uses in traditional medicine preliminary research for possible use in treating irritable bowel syndrome. Menthol from mint essential oil (40-90%) is an ingredient of many cosmetics and some perfumes.

Mint benefits: Menthol also has a cooling effect and can help relieve a sore throat. Especially when combined with tea. Indigestion and gas:  mint is a calming and soothing herb that has been used for thousands of years to aid with upset stomach or indigestion

Mint also known as Mentha is actually a genus or group of around 15-20 plant species including peppermint and spearmint. Indigestion and gas:  mint is a Calming and soothing herb has been for thousands of years to aid with upset stomach or indigestion.There is a lot to admire about the family of plants that provides most of our common culinary herbs( example- Basil, oregano, Rosemary, Sage,  hyme, summer and winter savories), many of our favorite  tea herbs and  dozens         (perhaps hundreds) of traditional medicinal herbs,  not to mention Many aromatics for use in flavorings perfumes and cosmetics.

 You will if not most mint- family members contain strongly aromatic oils (think lavender, Rosemary, Basil, thyme, Sage) which account for their Mini uses seasoning flavorings and perfume agents

Most of the  Mints that grow where I live in Northern New England so have telltale square  stems and delicate pinkish, lavender or blue flowers. one outlier  that's become a favorite in my summer herb Garden the red Bee balm that seeds itself all over the place makes a great cut flower and serves as a tasty tea to boot

 I grow most of the annual and perennial culinary species bee balm, lemon balm and hyssop  in my garden( or cold sensitive species such as Rosemary and lavender) in my garden house year-round.

Wild mint varieties out of curiosity, I started researching this plant family a couple of weeks ago because of the numbers of wild invasive mint species that  sprawl imprecisely  through un.

Over many lawns and Gardens these perennials spread through underground stems (rhizomes) as well as seeds.

The spearmint especially nasty, has woven an enormous network of tough, quarter- inch- thick rhizomes under an entire flower bed spilling out into a large section of lawn sending up a new plant every inch or two from the underground nodes. I have pulled up yards and yards and yards of the Rupey invaders but they still keep coming wild catnip has invaded my biggest vegetable Garden, seeding itself especial thick around the edge of the asparagus bed we have not had cats for a couple of years to enjoy rolling around in the fresh leaves through I have  pulled many of the small plants to dry  for winter tea. But the catnip I have pulled and disposed would make a cup or two off shooting night time tea for every accident Merrimac country.

 The ground Ivy comes up all over the lawn, but especially enjoys wondering into tilled soil once the show melts and spring come, it spreads rapidly into Garden beside our pound, turning into a thick mat sporting delicate purple flowers

 Although I find it annoying. It’s now here near as difficult eradicate as spearmint. I have learned I can pull up a large mat of it using a spading a Angle

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