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                                CHEMISTRY IN DAILY LIFE

Mohankumari T N

Asst. Professor,

Dept. of Chemistry, GFGC, Tumkur

Ph: 9880687850/9480298041

Mail id: mohanakumaritn@gmail.com


Chemistry being one of the branches of science is very interesting branch. It would be interesting to note that chemistry is also known as “Central science” because it connects physics with biology and geology. It is therefore seen that chemistry forms a part of  almost everything that we come across in our daily life such as toothpaste , soaps , detergents, shampoos, cosmetics, medicines, colour of vegetables and fruits, purification of water etc…

 We as a layman do not give much thought in to the uses of chemistry in our daily life. If we look closer we can find that every element we come across in our life has a little of chemistry. Here are some examples of how one can find chemistry in simple things of life.

  1. THE HUMAN BODY: -   the human body contains oxygen, carbon sulfur sodium, magnesium; many of the chemicals in our body are not produced. We need to refinish these elements by the intake of fruits, vegetables, meat etc.
  1. ONIONS THAT CAN MAKE CRY: - when the onion cut certain enzymes which are kept separate are mixed to form volatile sulfur which rises up our eyes. Mixes with the tears in them to form sulfuric acid stimulating the release of more tears.
  1. Human body contains enough carbon to provide lead for about 9000pencils.
  1. MILK CONVERTED IN TO CURD:- milk contains protein called casein. When curd is added to milk, the lactic acid bacteria present in it to cause coagulation of cosine and this converted into curd.
  1. There are a number of household products that are relatively pure compounds.
  • Baking powder (NaHCO3- sodium bicarbonate)
  • Table salt (NaCl- sodium chloride)
  • Table sugar (C12H22O11-sucrose)
  • Household bleach (NaOCl- sodium hypo chloride)
  • Mouth wash (H2O2 – hydrogen peroxide)

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