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Medicinal uses of Tulasi (Krishna Tulasi)

Tejaswini S


Krishna Tulasi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)commonly known as holy basiltulasi (sometimes spelled thulasi) or tulsi, is an aromatic perennial plant in the family Lamiaceae. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and widespread as a cultivated plant throughout the Southeast Asian tropics.

Tulsi is cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes, and for its essential oil. It is widely used as a herbal tea, commonly used in Ayurveda, and has a place within the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism, in which devotees perform worship involving holy basil plants or leaves.

The variety of Ocimum tenuiflorum used in Thai cuisine is referred to as Thai holy basil.  It has  a great medicinal value hence used for the treatment of following ailments.

Tulsi for good skin: Tulsi is great for the skin. Where used externally and when consumed you can, chew it’s leaves or boil it. To make tea tulsi can be used to treat one and skin infections, lighter dark spots. Tulsi is packs of vitamins, electrolytes, minerals hence the benefits of tulsi are many.

Importance of Tulasi: In India people grow tulsi as the religious plant and worship. Its leaves are used in temples for the worship purposes and also on the occasions such as marriage a Hindu house is considered incomplete without the Tulsa plant in the country yard tulsi is believes to promote the lifelong happiness

Why are we often not to chew tulsi leaves?

It is recommendation to gulp down tulsi leaves with water and not chew them.  One reason is that tulsi leaves contains a high amount of mercury and iron which are releases on chewing them there minerals are known to damage your teeth and cause dissolution more ever tulsi leaves are the tooth external to war away if consumed regularly in every large quantities house the fresh twice extracted from Tulsi leavesUsed as a home remedy.

For mouth ulcer and it is still advised to avoid chewing raw tulsi  but it is not really harmful purpose for dental really harmful purpose  for dental health there is no solid evidence to prove that tulsi leaves can cause tooth decay therefore most people recommended that raw tulsi leaves should be gulped down with a glass of water instead of being chewed as a preventive measures.


Tulsi juice for kidney stone: As tulsi is a detoxifying agent it helps in reducing uric acid level in body and breaking the kidney stone.

Tulsi releaves the skin itching: Apply the mixture the tulsi and lemon juice on your skin to soothe itching.

Basil leaves for weight loss: All you need to do is make the paste of freshly prepared basil. Apply once in day it will not only help in reducing excessive weight but also information of new blood cells and boosting of energy levels.

For acute Fever: Prepare a decoction of the leaves by boiling them with cardamom powder and half a litre of water.

Interesting benefits of Tulsi

*It is a detoxifying agent.

*Tulsi is used to purify and cleans.

* It works as a antibiotic        

*Tulsi regulates uric acid levels in the body.

*It is known as adaptogen.

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