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Rakesh H


rakeshlike03@gmail.com     Ph: 7353261628

Artificial colors are also known as Dyes. Chemical food dyes can create bright sometimes unnatural if artificial colors or additives have an effect on children. There is no conclusive evidence for food dyes are dangerous for most people. Nevertheless, they may cause allergic reactions in some people and hyper activity in sensitive children. However most food dyes are found in unhealthy processed foods that should be avoided anyway. Artificial colors may cause the environment and are not safe in environment.

Artificial colors may cause cancer the report reveals that common food dyes. Pose risks of cancer, hyper activity in children and allergies. The food industry dumps over 15 million pounds of the dyes. Studied in to the food supply each year. Three of the dyes carry known carcinogens and 4 can cause serious allergic reactions in some consumers. Flowering Plants already have their own unique colors adding colored food dye to the roots may not cause a big change. However it may cause the natural color of the flower to the intensify or becomes a hybrid of the original.

What is a Dye?

A natural or synthetic substance used to add a color to change the color of something. Such substance with considerable coloring capacity or widely employed in the production of consumer products including paints, textile, printing inks, pharmaceutical food, cosmetics, plastics photographic and paper industries.

Types of Dyes:           1.   Natural Dyes

  1. Synthetic Dyes
  2. Food Dyes
  3. Other Dyes like leather, lacer and also based on chemical classification



Textile Industry: Till the midst of nineteenth century all the dyes used for textile products were produced naturally until the invention of Maurine in 1856 by Perkin since then there has been no looking back the production of synthetic dyes because they were affordable, available in a lot of different colors, good colors, fastness and most of all were easy to produce the textile industry accounting using the products 1.3 million tons of dyes and pigments. Most of which are made synthetically.

  1. The greatest environmental concern with dyes is their absorption and reflection of sunlight entering the water. Light absorption diminishes photosynthetic activity of algae and serious influences the food chain.
  2. Many dyes and breakdown products are carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic to life dyes are mostly introduced in to the environment through industrial effluents.
  3. Triple primary concerns involving kidney, urinary bladder and liver of dye workers have been reported.
  4. Textile dyes can cause such as contact dermatitis and respiratory disease allergic reaction in eyes.

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