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Nature has provided us generously with everything we need to remain in good health. The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. Neem (Azadirachta indica) is an evergreen tree with a lifespan of about 150-300 years.  It grows very fast and can reach a height of up to 35-40meters.

Neem is an ancient symbolic of good health, the neem is an integral ingredient in the nature and traditional system of medicine known as ayurveda.  It has been used in the preparation of ayurvedic medicine for at least 4000 years and the earliest records of its medicinal properties appear in the ancient text that form the basis of ayurveda. It is also a major constituent of sidda and unani medicines.  Neem leaf is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal warm, stomach upset diseases of the heart and blood vessels, fever, diabetes, gum diseases and liver problem. The leaf is also used for birth control and abortion. Neem has been considered sacred and a symbol of health since ancient times. The veda described it as that it cures all ailments, in sanskrit it is also known as arishtha, meaning ‘perfect complex and imperishable’ and the nimba meaning ‘giver of good health’. In unani medicine it was called the blessed tree and the Persian scholars called it the noble or free tree of India.

Neem is also regarded as one of the manifestations of the mother goddess, kali or durga. Ancient hindus believed that planting neem trees would ensure them a passage to heaven and neem leaves and flowers are still today strung at the entrance of the homes to dispel negatives energy.  An ancient Tamil text says

Oh! Damsel of flowing tresses and slender forehead!

Hear you a miracle this!

In this water hidden in the body mix pepper, amla,

turmeric and neem soft will your body be;

And dark thin hairs on the head.


Neem is popularly known as ‘the village pharmacy’ because of its extensive use by village people. In same African countries it is known as the reliever of 40 health disorders.  Almost every part of the tree has some medicinal properties- Anti-bacterial, Anti-viral, Anti-fungal, Anti-parasitic, Anti-diabetic, contraceptive and sedative. Neem is widely used:

As a natural air purifier: Neem produces more oxygen than most trees and the shade it provides is very cool.

As an insect repellant: Neem seed oil is a popular natural repellant. A few drops of this oil are added to the water is used to clean the floors, in order to keep way bugs and insects.

In fertilizers and pest control: The residue of seeds, after extracting oil and powered leaves and bark are added to the soil as a fertilizer.

In personal hygiene and cosmetics: In rural India and Africa, neem twig are widely used instead of tooth paste and toothbrush. Neem is used in varieties of hearbal beauty products for anti-septic and anti-aging properties.

In cooking: The tender leaves, shoots and flowers of the neem tree are used in food in India.

To prevent and cure various diseases: Neem is used to prevent malaria and cholera. The leaves are used to treat chicken pox, dysentery, diarrhea and skin diseases like proriasis and eczema. The leaves and fruits are also used as a treatment for tuberculosis and heart diseases. Neem oil is used to purify blood, regulate the level of blood sugar, improve liver function and for healthy hair growth the flowers are used in the preparation of stimulant and stomuchictonics.

Treats fungal infections: Neem has scientifically proven Anti-fungal property which helps to treat fungal infections.

Useful in detoxification: Neem can prove useful in detoxification both internally and externally. Consumption of neem leaves or power stimulates kidneys and liver increasing the metabolism and eliminating the toxins out of the body.

Increases immunity:  Neem is known for its anti-microbial and anti-bacterial effects these properties play a huge role in boosting immunity.

Prevents gastrointestinal diseases: Neem’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract which helps reduce diseases like constipation and stomach ulcer.

Neem is one of the most beneficial plant for the human health.

‘Planting a tree in your garden is like planting thought in your mind’

Nourish the good ones and pale out the weeds.

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