Tumbe Group of International Journals

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Manikanta C

Guest lecturer_Dept of Zoology

G.F.G.C Tumkuru.

9686462382, manirajc1995@gmail.com

        Vulture are medium to large sized birds of prey, which are known for eating action (the bodies of dead animals) so they are carnivorous. Some of the species were consists of powerful feet and some of the species were lacks the powerful feet to carry its food and most carrion is consumed where it is found.

     These vultures gradually indicated that they are endangered species so, at present creating awareness about vulture to dedicate celebrating International vulture awareness day in first Saturday of September. There are 23 different vulture species altogether, however they are categorized based on whether they are a few world vulture species ( found across a American and Caribbean) or an old-world vulture species(they are found in typically in Africa, Asia and also Europe).

    Some of the species having powerful and a long wingspan of almost 3.5 meters in length and weigh about 15 kg. Andean condor is one of the species is used air currents and thermal air currents (depending on their location) to help keep their heavy bodies in flight).  They are some of the species are endangered of the 23 species of vultures that exist over half of them are considered either threatened endangered or critically endangered as a result of human impact. Besides being electrocuted and poisoned from pouched animal carcasses vultures are also facing issues such as habitat fragmentation and increased human conflict. There are different species are exist in different regions depending upon conditions and habitat and requirement of food. Some of the species like, black vulture, king vulture, griffon vulture, turkey vulture in these only the king vulture love more than 30 years some of the species lived less than 2 years. Vulture are sociable creature and are often seen as a collective unit, but the name assigned to a group of vultures all depends on what they are doing at that given time. Like most bird groups, cultures can be referred to as a flocks through they can also be labeled as either a venue, volt or a committee. However, when it comes to the vulture group feeding around a carcass, they are called a wake and when the birds are known as a kettle. One of their characteristic behavior is to soar in circles high above the earth's surface, using rising air currents to maintain their elevation.

The vulture are preferred to eat 'freshly' dead carrion but they also will feed on decaying carcasses. The primary defense of vulture is to regurgitate semi-digested meat, a foul smelling substance that deters most predators from raiding a vulture nest. The interesting facts about vulture is important ecological role because they help prevent the spread of diseases from old, rotting corpses. Vulture also have extremely strong acid inside their stomachs. These acids not allow help the birds to fight and destroy lethal bacteria, but also helps to breakdown the bones of carcasses that the bird behavior which contribute between 70-90% of their overall diet. So they are vulture play a vital role in the cleanup of the environments in which they live. Often referred to as "nature's clean-up crew" their scavenging way help to prevent the spread of diseases, such as rabies and tuberculosis through clearing away carcasses.   

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