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Impact of pesticide on human health

Priyanka S B

Email ID  priyaseethakal@gmail.com

II BSc (CBZ) ‘B’  section


Harmful effects of pesticides on human health pesticides are widely used  now a days. During production of food, farmers use pesticides to control the  growth of  weeds , prevent crop damage by insects, rodents and moulds. After harvest they are used to increase the storage life and prevent spoilage.

Pesticides are  poisons and  unfortunately, they can  harm more  than just the “pest" at  which they are targeted. They are  toxic, and exposure to  pesticides  can not  only cause a number of health  effects, but is linked  to a range of  serious  illness  and diseases  in humans,  from respiratory  problems to  cancer.

Acute effects

 Acute health problems  may occur in  workers  that  handle pesticides  such  as  abdominal pain  dizziness ,headache  nausea  vomiting as  well as skin and eye  problems in China. An  estimated  half  million people are poisons  by  pesticides  each  year, 500 of whom did  pyrethrins, insecticides commonly used  in common bug killers  can cause a potentially deadly  condition  if breathed in.  

 Long Term  effects


Many studies  have examined the effects of  pesticide  exposure on the  risk  of cancer  associations  have  been  found with leukemia lymphoma brain  ,kidney, breast prostate, pancreas, liver, lungs  and  skin cancer  that increased  risk  occurs with  both  residential  and   occupational  exposure to  pesticides  during  pregnancy  is  associated  with  an increase  in her  child's  risk of  leukemia  Wilm’s  tumor  and  brain  cancer  exposure  to insecticides  with in the  home  and  herbicides  outside is  associated  with  blood  cancer  in  children. 


            Evidence  links pesticides  exposure to  worsened neurological  out  comes  the  United states  environmental  protection agency  finished  a 10 years  review  of  the  organophosphate  pesticides  following  the  1996  food  quality  protection act.  However, did little to account for development neurotoxic effects.  Drawing strong criticism from  within the  agency  and  from   outside  researches comparable studies have  not been done  with  newer  pesticides  that  are  replacing  organophosphates.  Those in the highest category risks were greater when users specific pesticides where compared with applicators who never applied that chemical.

Route of exposure

People can be  exposed to  pesticides  by a number  of  different  routes  including  occupation , home,  agricultural fields .  Many  food  crops  including  fruits and vegetables,  contain pesticide residues  after  being  washed  or peeled, chemicals that are no longer used but that are resistant  to breakdown  for long  periods  may remain in  soil and  water  and  thus in food.

In the United states levels  of residues that remain  in food  are  limited  to tolerance  levels that are  established  by the  US environmental   protection  agency and  are  considered  safe , EPA  sets the tolerances based on  the  toxicity  of the   pesticide  and  its  breakdown  products  the  amount  and  frequency  of  pesticide applications  and  how  much  of  the  pesticide  remains  in  or on  food  by   the  time it is  marked  and  prepared.   Tolerance  levels  are  obtained  using  scientific  risk  assessment that  pesticide  manufacturers  are  required to  produce  by  conducting  toxicology  studies, exposure  modelling  and  residue studies.    Before a  particular   pesticide  and  there  is  little  information  on  possible  synthetic  effects  of exposure  to   multiple  pesticide   traces in the  air. Food and  water.

 Strawberries  and tomatoes are the  two crop  with the  most  intensive  use  of soil  ruminants  they  are  particularly vulnerable

Reproductive  effects

 Strong evidence  links  pesticide  exposure  to birth  defects  fetal  death  and altered  fetal  growth, agent  orange  a 50:50 mixture  of  2,4,5,T  and  2,4D has  been associated with bad health and  genetic effects  in Malaya  and  Vietnam. It  was also found  that offspring  that  were at some point  exposed  to pesticides had a low birth  weight  and had development  defects.


            A number of  pesticides including  dibromochlorophase  and 2,4 D has been associated  with  impaired   fertility  in males  pesticide   exposure resulted in  reduced  fertility  in  males, genetic  alterations  in  sperm, a reduced  number  of  sperm.  Damage to  terminal epithelium  and altered  hormone  function.  


            Some  studies have found  increase  risks of  dermatitis  in  those  exposed. Additionally,  studies have  indicated that  pesticide  exposure is  associated with  long term  respiratory problems.  Summaries of  peer-reviewed    research  have  examined the  link between  pesticide  exposure  and   neurologic out comes  and  cancer  perhaps the  two  most  significant  things  resulting  in organophosphate  exposure  workers .

According to researches from the  National Institute of Health (NIH) licensed  pesticides  applicators  who  used  chlorinated  pesticides  on  more than  100 days  in their  life  time  are at  greater  risk  of  diabetes.  One   study found that   association between  specific  pesticides and  incidents   diabetes  ranged from a 20% to a 200%  increase  in  risk.  New  cases of  diabetes  where  reported  by 3.4%  of  those  in the  lowest  pesticide  use  category  compared  with  4.6% several  type of  diseases,  insects,  mites and parasites  worms  in 2003 .  In recent  years   other  farmers have  demonstrated that  it is  possible  to  produce  strawberries and  tomatoes  without the use of  harmful  chemicals and  in  a case effective way.     

exposure routes  other than  consuming food  that  contains  residues  in   particular  pesticide drift, are  potentially  significant  to  the  general public.

 Some  pesticide  can  remain  in the  environment  for  prolonged  periods  of time  for example   most  people  in the  United states  still  have detectable  levels  of  DDT  in their  bodies  even  though  it  was  banned in the US  in 1972.


             The precautionary  principle  is thus  frequency  used  in  environmental  law  such that   absolute  proof  is not  required before  efforts to  decrease  exposure  to potential  toxins  are enacted

 The American medical association

 Recommended  limiting  exposure to  pesticides  they  come  to  this  conclusion  due  to the  fact  that  surveillance  systems  currently  in place  are inadequate  to determine  problems  related to  exposure  the utility of  applicator certification  and  public  notification  programs  are  also  of  unknown  value  in their  ability to prevent adverse  outcomes.


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