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Student’s life is the value of time

Indushree K N






The most important factor that affects the student’s life is the value of time. Being  a student we should do everything  on time and time never waits for none.

There are different  stages in our life. Student life is considered as one of the most important stage in our life, this is the time to mould our self like a clay. Potter designs various things out of the clay, like clay our minds can also be changed or shaped in different ways. Once the pots are made their shape cannot be changed, likewise, once character is formed  it cannot be changed easily. If we receive good education during our student life, we shall be successful in future. On the other hand, if we aren’t serious in student life, we can’t achieve our goals. Students, therefore should be very careful we must think seriously before taking any step, we must learn new things as much as possible .

Students are the future leaders of the nation. The prosperity of a nation depends on its students intellectual ability, we have   a responsibility to acquire proper education, maintain good character and live a respectful social life.

Preservance is the root  of all success. Being a student we should do everything  on time as it never waits for none.

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