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I Year B.Com, Second Semester

Government First Grade College, Tumkur -572104

kruthikarn231@gmail.com                 Ph.no: 6361495806

Traffic lights, traffic signals, or stoplights – known also as robots in South Africa are signalling devices positioned at road intersections, pedestrian crossings, and other locations in order to control flows of traffic.

Traffic lights consist normally of three signals, transmitting meaningful information to drivers and riders through colours and symbols including arrows and bicycles. The regular traffic light colours are red, yellow, and green arranged vertically or horizontally in that order. Although this is internationally standardised, variations exist on national and local scales as to traffic light sequences and laws.

The method was first introduced in December 1868 on Parliament Square in London to reduce the need for police officers to control traffic. Since then, electricity and computerised control has advanced traffic light technology and increased intersection capacity. The system is also used for other purposes, for example, to control pedestrian movements, variable lane control (such as tidal flow systems or smart motorways), and railway level crossings.


The first system of traffic signals was installed as a way to replace police officer control of vehicular traffic outside the Houses of Parliament in London on 9 December 1868. In the first two decades of the 20th century, semaphore traffic signals like the one in London were in use all over the United States with each state having its own design of the device. In many cases, it was controlled by a traffic officer who would blow a whistle before changing the commands on this signal to help alert travellers of the change.

In 1912, the first electric traffic light was developed by Lester Wire, a policeman in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was installed by the American Traffic Signal Company on the corner of East 105th Street and Euclid Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. The first four-way, three-colour traffic light was created by police officer William Potts in Detroit, Michigan in 1920. He was concerned about how police officers at four different light signals could not change their lights all at the same time. The answer was a third light that was coloured yellow, which was the same colour used on the railroad. In 1922 traffic towers were beginning to be controlled by automatic timers. The main advantage of the use of the timer was that it saved cities money by replacing traffic officers. The city of New York was able to reassign all but 500 of its 6,000 officers working on the traffic squad; this saved the city $12,500,000.

The control of traffic lights made a big turn with the rise of computers in America in the 1950s. One of the best historical examples of computerized control of lights was in Denver in 1952. In 1967, the city of Toronto was the first to use more advanced computers that were better at vehicle detection. The computers maintained control over 159 signals in the cities through telephone lines.


Generally, at least one direction of traffic at an intersection has a green light (green aspect) at any moment in the cycle. In some jurisdictions, for a brief time, all signals at an intersection show red at the same time, to clear any traffic in the intersection. The delay can depend on traffic, road conditions, the physical layout of the intersection, and legal requirements. Thus modern signals are built to allow the "all red" in an intersection, even if the feature is not used.

Some signals have no "all red" phase: the light turns green for cross traffic the instant the other light turns red.

Another variant in some locations is the pedestrian scramble, where all the traffic lights for vehicles become red, and pedestrians are allowed to walk freely, even diagonally, across the intersection. Use of the Pedestrian signals (see below) will alter the traffic signal cycle. Variations

A traffic signal in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with specially shaped lights to assist people with colour blindness

In the Canadian province of Quebec and the Maritime provinces, lights are often arranged horizontally, but each aspect is a different shape: red is a square (larger than the normal circle) and usually in pairs at either end of the fixture, yellow is a diamond, and green is a circle. In many southern and southwestern U.S. states, most traffic signals are similarly horizontal in order to ease wind resistance during storms and hurricanes.

Japanese traffic signals mostly follow the same rule except that the "go" signals are referred to as 青 (blue), which they historically were in fact, but this caused complications with the international "green for go" rule, so in 1973 a decree was issued that the "go" light should be changed to the bluest possible hue of green, thus making it factually greener without having to change the name from blue to green.

Red – Stop, do not proceed

Red and Yellow - Get ready to proceed, but do not proceed yet

Green – Proceed if the intersection or crossing is clear, vehicles are not allowed to block the intersection or crossing

Yellow - Stop, unless it is unsafe to do so.

A speed sign is a special traffic light, variable traffic sign, or variable-message sign giving drivers a recommended speed to approach the next traffic light in its green phase and avoid a stop due to reaching the intersection when lights are red.

Traffic Signal and its Rules

A traffic signal is used as an instructing device that indicates the road user to act according to the displayed sign. Following the traffic signal ensures road safety and to make things simple to understand, these signals have been using a universal colour code.

The road rules make certain the saving of lives through desirable modes of behavior on the road. The prime rules are as follows:

  • For allowing the people on the opposite side to cross safely and also permit the automobile on the backside to go beyond, we need to keep the vehicle to the left.
  • Keep the vehicle at the left when parting the former road and entering a new one at the instance of taking a left turn.
  • Bring the vehicle to the center and then twist left at the time of taking a right turn.
  • Lower the speed of the vehicle at the turnings, where there are a lot of blockages, at the endings of the road, at zebra crossings, on the occasion of overtaking and such other instances.
  • Compulsorily put on a helmet, not as a condition but to prevent any head injury or any misfortune. The relaxation is provided only to the Sikhs who wore turbans.
  • Inappropriate Parking is illegal. Parking in close or nearness to the passage of pedestrians, on the main road, where there is overcrowding, in any way causing interference to another vehicle in passing away, at the doorway of any organization, extremely close to the traffic lights and equivalent cases.
  •  We shall use the Horn only at essential circumstances. Horn must be used with care and must not be a cause of noise pollution.
  • Maintain an adequate distance to avoid a collision. Any clashes can occur between the two vehicles when there is an improper distance in between. The sudden stop of a vehicle in front make the vehicle behind to apply breaks suddenly too. So, it can cause a clash.
  • We shall not apply breaks all of a sudden. Applying breaks all of a sudden may cause an abrupt stop. The vehicle will get a jerk which can cause injury.
  • Always follow the police officer’s directions and traffic signals. The police officers and their directions are for our benefit and not to earn money from us. We cannot risk our precious lives by going against these. Thus, we must follow the same.
  • Be very careful while taking a U-turn. U-Turn can be risky. Never take a U-turn without looking at the traffic behind. Also, not to take one at the disrupted traffic or at the traffic lights. Furthermore, make a U-turn after giving hand signals and not taking at the places prohibited for the same.


Traffic rules are not made by the government for earning money out of them. It is for the protection of the drivers.  Driving tests are also conducted to fulfill the same purpose.  Knowledge of the traffic signs (the sign of speed limit, no entry, and stop signs) is necessary.

These help in maintaining a moderate speed, not entering the prohibited places and stopping by lowering the speed of the vehicle respectively. Following the rules of the road provide our experience. Thus, it assists in avoiding accidents.

Another important cause to follow traffic rules is that we can protect several other lives too by our responsible driving. The number of cattle dying because of road accidents can be decreased. Also, we will inculcate healthy habits in ourselves. Giving up drinking of alcohol also adds to the measure for safe driving.


We observe a number of accidents taking place each day because of irresponsible driving. Just for saving a little amount of time we don’t even care for our valuable lives. Also, we are prepared to place the life of others in danger too!! Such irresponsible behavior needs to be changed. Traffic Rules teach us to become good and accountable citizens of the motherland.

There is a popular saying” Slow and steady wins the race.” Thus, drive cautiously and reach your destination safely. Only when you will reach safe, you can win time for your family and for the service of the nation at large!!

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